I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

November 13, 2008

Super cute!

Filed under: Cute,Henry — JeniQ @ 1:33 pm

Look at this adorable outfit on Henry. Those little shoes are just too much!

super cute!

I realize it looks like he’s crawling in this photo, but he’s not. Not yet, anyway.
Crawling? Not really

November 11, 2008

Two new videos

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 4:45 pm

Henry gets excited when he learns he’ll be having his first fresh banana.

Henry draws names for the family Christmas gift exchange.

November 9, 2008

Eight Months Old!

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 7:31 pm

Henry turned 8 months old a week ago. He’s 21 pounds according to the bathroom scale. According to our in-home calculations, his body is 28 inches long and his noggin is 18 inches around. (We have another doctor’s visit in December for his nine month check-up.)

He’s got two fully sprouted teeth on his bottom jaw, and he’s cutting three more on the top right now. You should be able to see them in this close-up.
Teeth erupting up top

He’s sitting up like a champ, and has been learning how to go from laying down to sitting up all on his own. He’s desperately trying to learn how to crawl. I think it will happen any day now.

Here he is sporting his Cleveland Cavs jersey, thanks to Uncle Eric.
Whatchoo looking at

This past weekend Dave had to lower his crib as he looked like he might launch himself out. We usually let him play in his crib during the evenings – it’s a safe place to put him and he has a great time in there. Yesterday we had left the room and we could hear him happily squealing so we knew he was OK. The squealing increased (in a happy way, not a bad way) and so we came in to check. We found him woven through the crib slats attempting to get a toy that was outside his reach. And he was having a great time doing so!



Larry and Hiroe

Filed under: Visitors — JeniQ @ 12:23 pm

Our trip to Fishmonger’s last weekend.

Hiroe and Jeni
Hiroe and Jeni

Dave and Larry
Dave and Larry

Henry with his new toy
Henry LOVES his pumpkin
Henry loves this hard plastic pacifier that Hiroe brought him.

Pumpkin carving

Filed under: Holidays,Visitors — JeniQ @ 12:17 pm

Dave and Hiroe carved their pumpkins last Saturday. It was really gorgeous out, nice and sunny.
Hiroe applies a pattern to her pumpkin

Larry and I supervised, beer in hand.
Larry enjoys a beer


Hiroe’s windowpane pumpkin
Hiroe’s windowpane pumpkin

Dave’s happy pumpkin
Dave’s happy pumpkin

Jeni’s creepy pumpkin
Jeni’s creepy pumpkin

Halloween at Home

Filed under: Holidays — JeniQ @ 12:08 pm

We had a great time this Halloween. My mom came over and helped dish out candy while Dave took Henry to a few neighbors for his first trick-or-treat. Hiroe arrived just in time to experience her first ever Halloween night. We had one pumpkin carved and our front porch looked great. Henry had a great time seeing all the kids in costumes and getting passed around from person to person.

Our spooky front porch
Our spooky front porch

Handing out candy
Candy patrol

Halloween Party at School

Filed under: Babies,Holidays — JeniQ @ 12:04 pm

We all know that Dave is an awesome dad. More proof is his visit to daycare last Friday to participate in the Halloween festivities. The girls at daycare were enamored of him because he was so helpful, and he had a great time seeing all the kids in their costumes. The costumes included an elephant, several pumpkins, a tigger, a vampire, a devil, a lion and of course Henry was a monster. The kids had a great time and were just so cute!!!
Trying not to post too many pics of the kids, but Zoe is so stinkin’ cute in this picture that I’m posting it. I’m pretty sure her mom is a blogger so I think it’s OK. Molly, can you pass this link on?

Halloween at School

Henry’s favorite teacher, Julia

Zoe in her elephant costume
Zoe as an elephant

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