I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

November 27, 2008


Filed under: Movies — JeniQ @ 2:26 pm

OMG we went to see Twilight and it was awesome and I can’t wait to see it again!! Cristin’s already seen it. At least three times now. I can’t wait to see it again!! She and I will be seeing it again very soon.

Sexy Edward

Here are my few thoughts, after the break.


1. The scene at the baseball field where the two groups stood ready to fight, posed like animals with claws out — can’t stand.

2. Did it look like Edward’s car was a hatchback? If that’s true, then that makes it an S20. He should really be driving an S40 or a C60. Disappointing. UPDATE: He’s driving an S60R.

Oh, and the 29th reason the movie is better than the book? I’m pretty damn sure that Edward didn’t call Bella “spidermonkey” in the book. 🙂


  1. Ha! Have seen 4 times. The fourth was on the free if you catch my drift;) And I’m lmao that those are your likes/dislikes. I am neutral on 1 and 2 and the spidermonkey thing I hated for a long time but then when Bella giggles, like uncontrollably and girlie, I kinda bwa’ed and went “Oh, Edward!”

    Comment by Cristin — November 28, 2008 @ 2:34 pm

  2. Tellus how you REALLY feel about this movie?

    HiC: Did you moviehop? For shame 🙂

    Comment by Sean — December 5, 2008 @ 8:18 am

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