I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

October 26, 2008

Fall Festival

Filed under: Henry,Holidays — JeniQ @ 9:51 pm

Today was the neighborhood Fall Festival where all the kids come show off their Halloween costumes. Henry had a great time looking at all the other kids.

Walking for cupcakes

What is he pointing at?

Playin’ around

Trying on a mask

Pumpkin Carving

Filed under: Holidays — JeniQ @ 9:30 pm

Dave entertained Henry while I carved my pumpkin today. I wanted to re-attempt the Aladdin Sane pumpkin I did last year, but just didn’t have the energy to work it out. Cristin, I am passing this task on to you. Run with it!

Cutting the top off

Dave and Henry

Henry poses with a jack-o-lantern

pumpkin in darkness

I [heart] breakfast

Filed under: Love — JeniQ @ 9:07 pm

Look what Dave made for breakfast this morning.

Dave loves me

Halloween Party

Filed under: Entertainment,Holidays — JeniQ @ 9:02 pm

On Saturday we got a last minute invite to drop by Andrea’s Annual Pumpkin Carving party with Ele, Will and Finn.

Dave Entertains Henry

Finn with Glow Stick

Glow Stick Fun

No pumpkins were carved by this family, however, as we had to get Henry home for bedtime.

Vote Early, Vote Often!

Filed under: Independence — JeniQ @ 8:41 pm

Have you voted yet? Why not? With One Stop No Excuse early voting there is no reason to wait until November 4th. If you live in Wake county you can get a sample ballot here. This will help prepare you before you get to the polls.
Cast your ballot!

October 25, 2008

Lovely Day

Filed under: Art — JeniQ @ 5:40 pm

I loved this card when I received it from my friend Jenny. I just couldn’t throw it away. Instead, I decided to recycle it and pass along the pretty. I’ve just found the perfect frame for it and I’m giving it to Ele, who has a thing for birds. I hope she likes it!

Lovely Day


Filed under: Alcohol — JeniQ @ 5:34 pm

Barboursville Cabernet Franc
Thanks, Mike!

October 20, 2008

Name that Tune

Filed under: Blogging,Music — JeniQ @ 10:03 pm

Cristin posted this on her blog. It was fun so I decided to give it a try. See what you can make of it and please do one yourselves because it’s fun!

Step 1: Put your music player on shuffle.
Step 2: Post the first line from the first 20 songs that play.
Step 3: Use italics on the songs when someone guesses both artist and track correctly.
Step 4: Looking the lyrics up on a search engine is CHEATING!
Step 5: If you like the game post your own.
Step 6: Cristin, you’re not eligible to play. Sorry. 🙂

1. Oooooh Weaving down a byroad/ singing the song
2. Pack a pack horse up and rest up here/ on black country rock
3. The return of the thin white duke/ throwing darts in lovers eyes
4. For we’re living in a safety zone/ don’t be holding back from me
5. Sleep on the left side/ leave the right side free
6. Baby, I’ve been/ breaking glass in your room again
7. Had to sing for my supper/ I never help my neighbor
8. Sometimes you get so lonely/ sometimes you get nowhere
9. Cruisin’ mos espa in my delorian/ war’s over I’m a peacetime mandalorian
10. Well it’s a strange old game/ you learn it slow
11. A change of speed, a change of style/ A change of scene, with no regrets
12. Speak to me in your sweet voice/ And take me through another night
13. Do you really wanna run away with me/ Would you really like to run away with me
14. I’ll make you a deal/ like any other candidate
15. A man with haunted eyes showed up at my door last night
16. Now and then it keeps you running/ never seems to die / trails spin with fear
17. I’m an alligator/ I’m a momma poppa comin’ for you
18. Mystery wind, blowin’ tonight/ drivin’ rain, close up tight
19. Sometimes I walk around town lookin at faces / Wondering why their bodies go to silly places
20. I’m sailing down the summer wind/ I got whiskers on my chin/ And I like the mood I’m in

(I swear it was on shuffle.)

Where do you keep your shuffle?

October 19, 2008

Worm Bin Fun

Filed under: Worm Bin — JeniQ @ 9:17 pm

I’ve just created my fourth worm-obsessed friend! My boss and his wife came over today. She and I harvested my worm bins while he assisted. She took all the castings for her gardens and over half the worms so she can start her own worm bin. She’s so excited and just adorable when she talks about her worms. I am delighted because I have “like new” worm bins in half the time. Everybody wins. 🙂

Meet Cooper

Filed under: Babies,Entertainment — JeniQ @ 9:09 pm

(Not to be confused with Molly‘s Cooper.) Saturday evening Beaney, Jim, Tammy and Cooper came over for dinner. It was nice to finally meet Cooper, who is 10 months old. Coop is crawling around and wanted to chase the cats so badly. He let me dance with him and he is just so stinkin’ cute! Thanks, y’all, for visiting!

Cooper and Henry

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