I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

October 2, 2008

Birthday Cake

Filed under: Birthday,Gifties — JeniQ @ 12:40 pm

Did I mention how cool Dave is? He made me an awesome dinner and a spectacular cake for my birthday, and had Mom arrive just in time to celebrate with us.

The cake is called “In the Pink” and is from a Duncan Hines cake mix cookbook. It’s a lemon cake with a layer of pink lemonade ice cream and pink lemon frosting. I LOVED it!! Super yummy! He is so talented!

My Cake!

Happy Girl

I’ll take mine with sprinkles, please

This cake was way better than the one David Bowie made for me.

The cake went perfectly with my kushy new Red Envelope slippers from my nephews, Nolan and Jonah!
Pretty in Pink!

Oh, and dinner was broiled fish with a healthy grain and vegetable medley. But it wasn’t as good as the cake. 🙂

Birthday Dinner


  1. Lookin good! How’s it feel to be 27?

    Check out my latest creation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqvcdWy7LLU

    Comment by Sean — October 2, 2008 @ 12:55 pm

  2. Yay! That cake looks DEEEELISH! That giant icing stripe in the middle looks particularly yummy. We certainly did miss out. I’m a stinker. (hehe)

    Comment by Cristin — October 2, 2008 @ 1:17 pm

  3. It’s pink lemonade ice cream in the center!!!

    (and yes, you are. 🙂 )

    Comment by admin — October 2, 2008 @ 2:57 pm

  4. Dave is awesome! I’m guessing it probably wasn’t too easy to get the icecream into that very neat, perfect layer—-dave is THE man! That is a beautiful cake.

    Comment by Monica — October 3, 2008 @ 8:53 am

  5. […] for my birthday this year. It seemed like every day for a week I got presents! It started with that amazing cake he made – so yummy and […]

    Pingback by I [heart] Davids · Happiest Birthday Ever! — October 18, 2008 @ 10:22 am

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