I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

September 30, 2008

Oh look!

Filed under: Birthday,David Bowie — JeniQ @ 4:14 pm

Someone made me a cake!
More cake!
But why is he blowing out my candles for me…?

Happy Birthday to Me!

Filed under: Birthday — JeniQ @ 9:39 am

It’s my birthday. I started off the day with breakfast in bed, thanks to my honey and my baby boy. 😉 Love you two!

How many candles?

September 27, 2008

i love Durham

Filed under: Entertainment — JeniQ @ 6:23 pm

Dave wanted mellow mushroom for dinner but I hate fighting with the traffic, the parking, and having to wait for a table. Plus little Henry makes it harder to wait to get sat. So we headed to the Mushroom down in Durham’s historic tobacco district. Yay for no waiting! It was a million times better than hitting south Glenwood.

(Don’t forget to ask them to add cinnamon to your Hawaiian pizza!)

September 26, 2008

Cleveland Air Show

Filed under: Entertainment — JeniQ @ 10:53 pm

While up in Cleveland, we got to see the Cleveland Air Show. It was, in the true sense of the word, awesome. This included a display by the Blue Angels.

I was a bit overwhlemed with the patriotic, nationlistic pride I felt at this awesome display of force. I frequently get teary-eyed at, well, lots of things, to be truthful, and this one was right up there. Go Team America!

Here are some assorted pictures. Maybe one day I’ll have time to upload the videos I took.

C5 Cargo Plane

Noise Protection

Blue Angels taking off

F-15 and Sunlight

Four Blue Angels

Diamond Formation

Splitting formation

Four Blue Angels

I couldn’t agree with these protesters.

Baby Picture Comparison, Finally

Filed under: Babies,Henry — JeniQ @ 9:54 pm

I’m only about 7 months late with this post. (Anyone out there want to ghostwrite my blog for me?) Now you can compare Henry’s baby picture with both mine and Dave’s. What do you think?

Jeni’s Baby Picture

Dave’s Baby Picture

Henry’s Baby Picture

My husband rocks

Filed under: Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 9:35 pm

This past week, he made these fabulous meals:

Every meal was delish, and it was so awesome to have him pick up the cooking duties in the kitchen. And he’s really learning how to cook. I’m so proud of him, and love having him cook dinner these days!

September 15, 2008


Filed under: Media — JeniQ @ 11:13 am

Jacob is writing recaps (on Television Without Pity) for True Blood. Hoooray!
Trust me when I say that most every time, reading Jacob’s recaps are better than watching the show itself. If I could just get a few Youtube snippets of Bill’s smoldering eyes, that’s all I’d need.

And can I just say that I vehemently disagree with the location of the fangs in the True Blood vampires. They have them as the maxillary lateral incisors, not the maxilary canines. I disagree with this location – they look funny.

Maxillary lateral incisors - what were they thinking?

September 14, 2008

Recent Henry Photos

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 9:50 pm

Some cute photos just to keep you going.

Coolest Baby


Sleeping with Ribbit

Sleeping with sock rabbit

Go Browns!

What’s that in your mouth?

Mez Photos

Filed under: Alcohol,Cristin,Henry — JeniQ @ 9:33 pm

I found them!

OMG I love this outfit!
Very matchy outfit

With Auntie Cristin

He got a bottle while we were there. A bottle of something.
Belly up to the bar

Cristin Time

Filed under: Cristin — JeniQ @ 9:23 pm

Recently had a slumber party with Cristin. Sorry I’m just getting around to documenting. We had a really nice time – she let me finish the Twilight book I was reading while she cooked. 🙂 What a lovely hostess!

She made a lovely dinner, some rum pineapple chicken dish with rice that was delish. Check out her cheffy self. I brought that pickled cauliflower which I think was pretty tasty, too.

And then I helped bleach her hair so we could apply more pink dye.
bleached blonde!

pretty pink!!

I also got two very small chunks of lighter blonde in my (already blonde) hair. I couldn’t help myself – there was unused bleach and I had all this hair!

The next morning Cristin made me french toast and we had a lovely bottle of champagne, which we drank out of regular juice glasses. On the way home that morning, I stopped by a little thrift shop and picked up some cute champagne glasses for her.

I got to deliver those glasses when we met again recently at Mez after work to enjoy the cheap taco bar. I’m sure I took some pictures but I can’t find them anywhere. 🙁 Check out Cristin’s pics instead.

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