I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

August 5, 2008

The Mermaid and the Sailor

Filed under: Art — JeniQ @ 12:09 pm

Henry’s first art piece. I call it “The Mermaid and the Sailor.” The sailor sits on a rock, bereft and forlorn, as the mermaid reaches her arms out longingly for him.

Sailor (left) and Mermaid (right)
Medium: Kool-Aid on craft paper

August 3, 2008


Filed under: Cats — JeniQ @ 9:14 pm

I LOL’d. Go vote for my lolz!

funny pictures
moar funny pictures

Lello Days

Filed under: Gifties,Henry — JeniQ @ 9:12 pm

Fun, separate gifts from Leslie and Ed.

My aunt went to the Grand Canyon and all I got was this cute t-shirt!
Grand Canyon t-shirt

“My First John Deere”
John Deere Onesie

Lunch with Granny Jo

Filed under: Family,Granma,Henry — JeniQ @ 9:08 pm

From our lunch date with Granny Jo last weekend.

Eats his granma’s napkin

Is preoccupied with napkin

Is there a napkin over there?

taking over the table

He loved hanging out with his granny. And I’d like to point out that we did not shave his head. He’s just went bald on that side of his head. What hair he does have growing back is blonde, so you can barely see it.

Five Months (with videos)

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 9:02 pm

Henry’s five months old!

Here are some cute recent videos of Henry in his doorway jumper.

I has a TARDIS

Filed under: Doctor Who,Henry — JeniQ @ 9:00 pm

Henry’s favorite new toy.

Let me just adjust the Chameleon circuit…

First time ever

Now with some experience

Funny Sleepy

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 8:47 pm

Henry does funny things when he falls asleep.

Case in point:
Hand hooked on

And this:
Foot hooked on


New Freezer!

Filed under: Farmer's Market,Household — JeniQ @ 8:41 pm

Dave is so awesome. He got me a chest freezer, which I’ve been pining over for nearly two years. It’s a 7.2 cubic foot chest freezer and it is living happily in our garage.

Here is it is in place.

It can hold at least one body, if not two

This morning we hit the Farmer’s Market where we loaded up on organic beef, chicken and sausage. We also got some tomatoes and peaches, both of which make for good freezing.
Meat party!

We still have a ways to go before we reach capacity.
A chestful of meat

August 1, 2008

Crystal Sister

Filed under: Blogging — JeniQ @ 8:48 am

This is for my crystal sister Cristin.

[Can’t figure out a good pic for this post…]

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