I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

July 17, 2008

Last minute plans

Filed under: Visitors — JeniQ @ 1:53 pm

Granma’s coming to visit for a few short hours this Saturday, courtesy of her next-door neighbors. They’re driving down for the day to attend a wedding, and they’ll drive home afterwards. They’re carting her down here so she can play with Henry for a few hours. 🙂

July 13, 2008

Four Month Checkup

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 8:59 pm

Little guy went in for his four month checkup earlier this week and did great. He’s meeting all his milestones and the rest of his numbers look good, as well. He’s 14 pounds, 5 ounces (31%), he is 24″ long (13%) and his head is 16.5″ around (35%). He’s impressing the doctor with his 10 hours of sleep a night. He got three more shots which he did not like at all, but he was a champ about it.

Growth Chart

Date Night

Filed under: Love,Movies — JeniQ @ 2:15 pm

For Father’s day, Dave and I left Henry at home to go have dinner and watch Iron Man. It was a nice time, and an awesome movie!!

Iron Man!

Family photo

Filed under: Family — JeniQ @ 1:58 pm

The family!

Fourth of July in Cleveland

Filed under: Cleveland,Family,Holidays — JeniQ @ 1:57 pm

Had a great time visiting Dave’s family in Cleveland over the fourth of July holiday. Henry got to meet the rest of his uncles and aunts and cousins! We also got to see Leslie and Vince’s house down in Hudson – it’s fabulous and the work they’ve done to it is amazing. We got to meet more of Vince’s family, which is nice, too, in preparation for their wedding in November.

All photos here.

With his Aunt Leslie
Aunt Leslie feeds Henry

All the kids together
Dickens Cousins

Uncle Eric
Unky Eric

His cousin Riley
Cousin Riley

Aunt Amber
Aunt Amber

Crazy cats

Filed under: Cats — JeniQ @ 1:40 pm

Dave’s mom has some crazy cats. They’re about a year old now and they are all kitten.

I put a baby bib on Gracie and I think she thought it was a cape. She acted especially daring.
Gracie wears a bib

Meanwhile, Marmalade was exceptionally malleable and maulable.
stroller 1

stroller 2

stroller 3

stroller 4

Can anyone come up with a good LOLCat? I should upload it.

New Henry Outfits

Filed under: Gifties,Henry — JeniQ @ 1:27 pm

Some of Henry’s recent adorable outfits.

From Granma and Amanda
Hawaiian shirt with orange shortalls

From Jenny
Wiggling wiggle worm

From Grant and Michelle
Waterloo Records, Austin, Texas

From Granma
Happy fishies

From Eric and Amber (the front says “Loader”)

First plane ride

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 1:00 pm

Henry took his first plane ride when we went to Cleveland for July 4th.
Checking out the equipment

He did really well. I’m sure I was more nervous than he was. 🙂

Serious look

Perhaps he’ll be a world traveler like his daddy.

Durham Bulls & Kerri Farewell

Filed under: Entertainment,Kerri — JeniQ @ 12:46 pm

Near the end of June, we went to a Bulls game with Kerri, Beaney, and my mom. It was a farewell of sorts, as Kerri was moving to Chicago at the very end of June.

Last year we all got together to go to the last Bulls game of the season. It was threatening hard to rain near the end of the work day, and then it actually started raining on our way over to the ball park. We diverted ourselves to the Carolina Ale House at Brier Creek until we knew if the game was on. After one round of beers, we decided to chance it as the game was on with only a short delay. We got there in the second inning and did typical baseball game things – ate hot dogs and nachos and drank beer. Around the fifth inning, it started to get dark again and those people who hadn’t already left yet went scurrying for cover in the tunnels. It poured and poured great big buckets of rain. Once the rain finally let up, the game had been cancelled due to weather. So that’s how the last game of the 2007 season wrapped up.

Our June date with Kerri was pretty much a repeat of last year. It started looking dark on our way out to the park, so we went straight to Tyler’s and enjoyed a couple of beers during the rain delay.
Beers at Tylers
(Notice Henry’s got his baseball t-shirt/Jonah outfit on.)

When we got to the pallpark it was terrific weather and we enjoyed the view from our seats on the third baseline. Henry did really good. He hung out in the Bjorn for several innings until Dave took him home.
Watching the game

I think mom really enjoyed herself, too.
Jeni, Mom and Henry

The best part of the night was when I caught a foul ball! I took Henry over behind the picnic area for a little break from the Bjorn and as we were sitting there playing, a foul ball bounced right into my lap!! It was so awesome. Three months old and he has his first baseball!
Henry with his baseball

Shortly after Dave left to take Henry home, it started to rain again. We all hid out in the tunnels for about 30 minutes until the rain passed. The game resumed for another quick inning, and then the rain returned. They finally called the game and we headed home.
Covering the field

Oh, and we saw these two funny haircuts:

Rooster comb

The following weekend, Kerri moved to Chicago. So sad am I. However, in good news, she just landed herself a job and is now looking for a place to live closer in to Chicago. Know anyone in the area who needs a roommate?

No, Thank YOU

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 12:01 pm

We recently had dinner with my mom and Gene, and mom invited a neighbor couple to join us. These people have been so nice to them that she wanted to take them out to dinner and treat them. They are just the nicest people you’ve ever met. Really, really delightful people.

After a lovely night out, they felt compelled to send a thank you to my mom. And although they live within walking distance, they actually put a stamp on the card and sent it in the mail. Talk about one-up-manship, how’s anyone supposed to compete with that?!

But it’s the contents of the letter that are just jaw-dropping. Please recognize that I’m not (entirely) making fun of this couple – they’re fabulous, as I’ve mentioned. But oh my goodness, it’s a bit over-the-top, isn’t it?

How to say “thank you”

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