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May 6, 2008

Molly’s Modesty

Filed under: Stumble Upon — JeniQ @ 1:33 pm

This is interesting. I’m not sure how I feel about modesty as a value for myself, but if I had a daughter, I might be really on to this.
Anyway, their clothes are fairly cute and reasonably priced for the basics. Might be worth checking out.


  1. There’s something about the site that bothers me. Not the clothes; they’re cute and fine. It’s the agenda behind the site that I’m not so agreeable about.

    Nothing is wrong with being modest in your dress. It’s the way I roll by default. But *encouraging* excessive modesty as a value in itself smacks of paternalism (even coming from a female designer…). Bodies are bad and something we should be ashamed of. Sewing sleeves on sleeveless dresses?? What, is a little upper arm going to turn a girl into Slutty McSlutterson? Does the skin that covers the humerus hold magical powers to turn men into raging rapists? This does a disservice to both men and women.

    Every part of a woman’s body is sexual, and we MUST COVER UP AT ALL COSTS!

    Oops. Rubbed me the wrong way. Ah well, nobody ever claimed I was without opinions.

    Comment by Stew — May 6, 2008 @ 3:07 pm

  2. Yeah, I said it was kind of weird. Thanks for articulating the weirdness.

    I guess in my opinion I see these young girls today with “less than perfect” figures and I think of them. When a 14 year-old has an unsightly innertube/muffin top because fashions dictate an exposed midriff, I think Molly’s little coverups might be helpful.

    But then again, who am I to say a muffin top on a 14 year-old is unsightly? That’s not helping anyone.

    Comment by admin — May 6, 2008 @ 5:43 pm

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