I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

May 30, 2008

Grandparents Visit

Filed under: Family,Henry,Visitors — JeniQ @ 11:37 pm

A week and a half later, Dave’s folks came to hang out with Henry for a week. It was SO awesome to have them around. I had lots of opportunity to go shopping and generally get some “me time.” It was AWESOME and I love his folks for taking such good care of us and Henry.

Anyway, here is their visit in pictures. All pictures available here.

The *adorable* outfit that Mary and Audrey brought for Henry.
Cute outfit with Crocs!

We kept it pretty low-key.
Chillin’ on the porch

We love tacos, and they’re even better with these cool taco holders!
Yummy tacos

Mom and Mom hanging out at Fishmongers.
Mom and Mom

Our usual dinner at Fishmongers. Fishmongers

Granpy LOVED hanging out with Henry. Granpy and Henry

Sweet baby.
Henry Portrait

The whole family. Family Portrait

Mary and Audrey Visit

Filed under: Family,Henry,Visitors — JeniQ @ 11:29 pm

After Jonathan, Dawn, their kids and Granma visited, Mary and Audrey came next. (The day everyone left, actually!) It was a very relaxing, low-key visit. They were both so good with Henry, it was lovely to have them around.

Here is our visit in pictures. All pictures here.

Audrey, Henry & Mary
Audrey, Henry & Mary

A smile for mommy.
A smile for mommy

Audrey holds Henry
Audrey holds Henry

Audrey entertains Henry
Audrey entertains Henry

Henry’s kangaroo pouch
Henry’s Kangaroo Pouch

Artsy pic by Audrey

Audrey and Billy
Audrey and Henry

May 26, 2008

What goes down…

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 6:12 pm

must come up!

While Dave’s parents were here, his mom captured this stellar video of Henry puking. It’s hilarious! If you have the ability to watch this in slo-mo (forwards or backwards) it’s even better. There are three separate waves of puke. He has no grimace on his face and it’s absolutely soundless. He looks like he’s not bothered at all.

12 Weeks Old!

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 5:45 pm


Henry is 12 weeks old already. Dave and I can hardly believe it. His three-month birthday will be next Monday. (Isn’t that discrepancy funny?) He weighs around 12 pounds, is in size 2 diapers and has grown out of most of his 0-3 months clothes. He won’t be in his 3-6 month clothes all that long, either!

It’s been a great three months. I’m very happy that I’ve had this time to get to know the little man before shipping him off to daycare on a regular basis. I am going back to work in just 7 days! That will be quite a shocker, I’m sure.

Henry has grown so much over the last few weeks. He’s nearly able to hold his head up all by himself, and he’s so much more aware of his surroundings. He’s into a pretty good daily groove, too. He gets up in a good mood in the mornings. He has breakfast, then playtime on his play mat with a few toys. Mommy or Daddy read a book with him. Eventually he gets sleepy and takes his first nap of the day. The rest of the day is a series of wake-feed-play-nap cycles, averaging about three hours apiece. Sometime between 8 and 9 PM he gets his nighttime feeding, followed by a relaxing bath and then beddy-bye by 10 o’clock. Overnight, he typically gets up once for a feeding.

Unfortunately, the past few days he’s been cluster feeding during the day and getting up every 2-3 hours at night. We’re calling this his 3-month growth spurt and hoping he’s back to up once a night by next week. Please let it be so!!

Henry has started vocalizing fairly loudly. Here he is talking to Dave.

May 20, 2008

Big News

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 10:04 am

OK, it’s time to reveal my big secret!

I got a new job! I’m not leaving my current company – it’s a promotion to a new position. I’ve been in User Support for five years, and that’s a long time to have that job. I was ready for a change.

My new role is Business/Information Analyst. While I’ve been on maternity leave, there was a big re-org at work and this new position was created in the Value Infrastructure Management department.

I start back to work June 2nd and start my new job in July. I am really excited! I know it will be really challenging but that’s a good thing. I can’t believe I’m making a bit of a career out of my job here. It’s a great company and I’m glad I’ve found a way to keep things interesting because I’m not ready to leave.

Hooray for me!

May 19, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 9:49 am

Dude. Heheh.

May 12, 2008

Please pick me up!

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 3:04 pm

Henry’s new trick

Mother’s Day

Filed under: Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 8:45 am

Dave and Henry made me breakfast on Sunday. It was awesome. Dave’s skills in the kitchen are really improving.
Mother’s Day Breakfast

The best part of the meal was the bacon, cooked just the way I like it – brittle!
Brittle bacon

Froggy Leisure Suit

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 8:41 am

Check out this stylin’ outfit from his great-great aunt and uncle.
Froggy Suit

And note the detail on the pant leg.
I’m cute

May 10, 2008

Family Photos

Filed under: Family — JeniQ @ 9:50 pm

And now for some more posed family photos.

The whole famdamly
Group photo

Granma Q, Henry, Granma Jo, Jonah, & Nolan
Granma Q, Granma Jo, Henry, Nolan and Jonah

Granma Q and Henry
Granma Q and Henry

Nolan, Henry & Jonah
Nolan, Henry and Jonah

Granma Q, Henry & Granma Jo
Granma Q, Henry and Granma Jo

Jonah and Granma Jo
Jonah and Granma Jo

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