I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

April 23, 2008

Missing Sleep

Filed under: Cats — JeniQ @ 6:56 pm

One of the many reasons I miss sleeping – my boos like to cuddle up with me.

Billy and Cayce turn on the charm

Henry’s Outfits

Filed under: Cute,Henry — JeniQ @ 6:54 pm

My favorite outfit, now complete with matching socks, courtesy of Evan.
Little blue stars

Here’s one from Aunt Tracey. Do you think we bore him with these fashion photo shoots?
Do not feed Freddy

Last weekend it was cool enough to get away with this cute outfit, courtesy of Mr. Finn.
Festive Finn Outfit

Also, we got this bunny from the T’s – thanks Mom and Dad T!! If you look closely, you’ll notice his name is embroidered in Bunny’s ear.
Henry’s Bunny

More of Monica’s Visit

Filed under: Henry,Visitors — JeniQ @ 5:12 pm

First, I can’t thank Monica enough for coming to visit while Dave was in Taiwan. It was awesome having an extra set of hands around. Especially hands that cook such tasty food!
Here’s the meatloaf she made at my request, along with carmelized root vegetables, spinach salad and blue cheese and bacon mashed potatoes.

Meatloaf dinner

She spent lots of time entertaining Henry.
Henry sleeps on Monica

As well as Billy.
Billy, Henry and Monica

Napping with Henry doesn’t get old.
Napping with  Henry

It was also great to get a chance to catch up and have lots of girl talk. Thanks Monica!


Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 4:58 pm

Mom got us this adorable handmade mobile from QuiltBaby. It hangs above the changing table and coordinates quite well with the Ugly doll Aunt Leslie gave us.

Mobile hangs from ceiling

Here’s what Henry sees:
Henry’s eye view

We also got a mobile for his crib, too, finally. It’s perfect! The colors on the dino mobile match his bedding and room colors, and heck, they’re dinosaurs so that’s pretty cool!
Dinosaur Mobile

Thank You!

Filed under: Personal/Health — JeniQ @ 2:14 pm

Thanks for all the positive comments and emails I got in regards to my body blues post. I love you all!

Sleep patterns

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 8:22 am

Does anyone have any info as to why Henry can sleep for 2-3 hours during the day (effectively a 3-4 hour feeding cycle) but wakes every other hour at night?

April 20, 2008

recovery and changes

Filed under: Personal/Health — JeniQ @ 3:18 pm

I’m 7 weeks postpartum. And slightly depressed.

I can fit into a few pairs of my pregnancy sweat pants, a pair of sweat pant shorts that have always been too big and one pair of size 8 jeans I picked up at the thrift store. How am I going to be able to go back to work when I, literally, have nothing to wear? I can fit into about 5 oversized t-shirts and just a few pregnancy tops. I did not expect that I wouldn’t be able to fit into any of my pre-pregnancy clothes, especially tops. Part of the problem is the increased size of my chest, but the other part is finding tops that allow for easy breastfeeding access. Most of mine don’t and are too tight anyway.
We took a nice high powered walk yesterday- how many more of those before the inches start to come off my thighs?

Gah! I am so frustrated! I hate having nothing to wear. It does nothing for my somewhat eroded self confidence.

“blogging is bitching”

April 14, 2008


Filed under: Cristin,Henry — JeniQ @ 10:23 am

Aunt Cristin and Henry share a laugh.

Cristin and Henry


Filed under: Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 10:13 am

Monica made us a fabulous lunch yesterday – isn’t it pretty?

Pasta salad

And right now she’s making blueberry muffins for breakfast!

April 13, 2008

Henry’s Sling

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 1:29 pm

The sling is helpful for holding Henry while I straighten up around the house – I can use both hands!


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