I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

March 28, 2008

Speaking of Weight

Filed under: Personal/Health — JeniQ @ 2:12 pm

At the peak of my pregnancy, I was just shy of 150 pounds. Almost four weeks after the delivery, I seem to be holding steady at 130 pounds.

Gaining Weight

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 12:38 pm

Yesterday we weighed Henry whilst at the vet’s office (more on that to come) and he was 8 pounds, 6 ounces! Go little guy!!

Mr. Tall

Photo credit

Ele and Finn Visit

Filed under: Babies,Ele,Henry — JeniQ @ 12:35 pm

Ele and I met out at Salsa Fresh earlier this week for a nice cheesy lunch, then we sat on my couch for a few hours feeding the babies, watching the birds and gossiping. She even brought a food donation for the fridge, hooray!

I can’t believe how big Finn is in comparison to Henry. Having been hauling Henry around for a few weeks now, I was really surprised to see that he is actually very teeny!

Finn and Henry

Read Ele’s post here.


Filed under: Cristin,David Bowie,Movies — JeniQ @ 12:29 pm

Thank goodness Henry came early! It meant that Cristin and I got to keep our Labyrinth date at the Colony. Hoooray for popcorn and beer!!!
Labyrinth Opening Titles

Cristin was super excited and blogged about her preparations here and here.

We had a terrific time, forgoing our usual dinner at The Bull and Bear for more face time with Henry.

Look how freaking cute we three are.

Cristin has lovingly documented our experience here. Read her post – it’s good stuff.

Here are a few of my fave scenes from the movie:

Ballroom Scene

Just love me, fear me, do as I say

Why does she always ruin her chance


Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 11:37 am

We finally gave Henry a real bath! He did a real good job and seemed to enjoy it. Isn’t he precious?


Shampoo Mohawk

Drying off

Punk Rock Hairdo

Tame Hairdo

March 23, 2008

Blue Birds 2008 – First clutch!

Filed under: Birds — JeniQ @ 5:39 pm

If you’re a long-time reader, you might know that we have bluebird house in our back yard, complete with a little video camera inside it. We can watch the video feed on the TV inside the house. Read more about our setup here.

Well, this year we set the nest box out in the yard in February because we noticed the blue birds milling about the feeders. They started laying eggs last week and as of today there are already four eggs in the nest! Here we go again!

four eggs

Photo Shoot

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 11:07 am

Some pretty photos we took of Henry. I was trying to capture just how little he is, before he gets too big!

Photo Shoot 1

Photo Shoot 2

Photo Shoot 3

Photo Shoot 4

Photo Shoot 5

Photo Shoot 6

March 22, 2008

Henry Pictures

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 2:04 pm

Some more Henry pics for you.

Henry B&W

Henry face

Henry’s Eyes

Henry’s Lean

Happy Birthday Kitties!

Filed under: Birthday,Cats — JeniQ @ 1:40 pm

On the 20th, the kitties turned 10.

Happy Birthday Billy!
Jeni Henry and Billy

Happy Birthday Cayce!
Cayce in profile

Henry Video

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 12:43 pm

Another first – Henry spent last night in his crib in his room!

Here’s Henry experiencing a little tummy time.

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