I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

February 14, 2008


Filed under: Gifties — JeniQ @ 10:50 pm

Did I mention that there were gifts? Oh my lordy, was there a pile of gifts!! I had originally thought that we wouldn’t do gift-opening, but I’m glad we did. It was fun!

I hesitate to put pictures up of gifts, because I don’t want anyone to feel slighted. However, there are some really cute gifts we received! Please know that if you gave us a gift, we love it and are very touched by your thoughtfulness. But onesies make better blog pics than crib sheets. There are also 184 photos of me opening gifts, so I’ll see if I can keep it reasonable. 🙂

Surrounded by gifts
Surrounded by Gifts

Surrounded by friends
Surrounded by Friends

A common expression

It’s a long post, so I’ve cut it here – click below to read the entire post on a separate page.


Shower Crafts

Filed under: Crafty — JeniQ @ 9:59 pm

I was worried that without traditional shower games, the party might be a little boring for some, so I suggested maybe having a craft project. I was inspired by the girlie sleepover I threw a few years back. The ladies took the idea and ran with it. The picked up these little denim tote bags and had letters, crystals and other iron-on designs available so everyone could make a personalized bag. How cute?!

Ali, Linz & Jenny

Amy & Tyra

Jenny with skull and crossbones tote

I was feeling a little more “baby-centric” so I opted to festoon a hand-me-down onesie I had. I think it turned out pretty good!

Jeni Onesie - Front

Jeni Onesie - Back

Shower Eats

Filed under: Meals & Food,Party — JeniQ @ 9:10 pm

This will probably be the prettiest post on my site, so enjoy all these lovely pictures!

The spread at the shower was just amazing. Credit to the girl who dreamed up the menu! It was delish, and there was so much food, I know no one left hungry!!

I had one request and for that I used either the word “Mexican” or “cheese,” I can’t remember which. I got a variety of tasty little cheese-filled mexican treats. And when asked what food would go best with melted chocolate, I greedily said pineapple! I got that wish, too.

The table, at a glance.


Some close-ups.

Cheese Platter

My girls wouldn’t use bowls for dip, would they?

Veggies and Dip

Shrimp Cocktail


The chocolate fondue – how fabulous is chocolate fondue?

Chocolate Fondue

I spent half the night eating most of the pineapple at the fondue bowl. YUM.


What shower would be complete without a cake? But not content to do it up like everyone else, they went with a cookie cake!! It was like a chocolate chip coookie, but enormous, and with icing. It said “Bye bye tummy, Hello Mummy!” So freaking cute.

Cookie Cake

Cute Napkins

And I didn’t even make it to this tray, but they look gorgeous, don’t they?

Dessert Bars

There was plenty of wine, some crazy strong blue Wildberry Martinis and of course, pudding shots. Pudding shots are quite yum! Everyone seemed pretty relaxed and happy – I think the food and drink was a hit!

Pudding Shot

Photo credit.

Shower Preparations

Filed under: Party — JeniQ @ 8:35 pm

It seemed like the ladies worked all day on shower preparations. There were trips to the store, lots of cleaning and straightening, and a few conspiritorial conversations. Everybody got involved but me, of course. They got most of it set up while I wasn’t looking, so I got to be surprised by the spread and the decorations.
It was so amazingly lovely to have a party at home and be just exactly what you wanted, but not have to work at it. Must be what it’s like to have a catered party, but this was still better because it was dreamed up by the thoughfulness of friends.

I’m helping

Everyone’s working

February 12, 2008

Saturday AM

Filed under: Visitors — JeniQ @ 1:46 pm

Saturday morning was very nice and relaxing. At least for me. I didn’t lift a finger all weekend and it was awesome! Amy and Ali were pretty busy with shopping trips, but they made it home in time for breakfast.

We had coffee and a make-your-own waffle bar with strawberry and blueberry toppings, along with bacon and sausage. Yummy!
Then we sat around the living room and texted other people.

More Texting

We played with Ian.
Dave and Ian

And hung out with the cats on the front porch – it was gorgeous out.
Monica, Linz and Ian

One of the best parts of the trip was getting to try out some of our new baby gifts!! We used the car seat, the Pack and Play, and the Jungle Swing with Ian. He seemed to approve!
Ian in the swing

Oh, and Dave spent the morning setting up our new TV – do you covet or what?

Ah, I can’t resist one more picture of Dave and Ian, taken Sunday morning!
Dave and Ian

Up Next – The Shower!!

Weekend Visitors

Filed under: Meals & Food,Visitors — JeniQ @ 12:50 pm

Before I start blogging about the shower(!!!) I thought I’d recap the rest of the weekend with our visitors.

First, we played with Ian some more.
Linz, Ian & Dave

And then we tried to go to the Mellow Mushroom but it was an hour wait and it was pretty cold outdoors, which was the only place to wait. Their bad fortune was good news for the folks at MoJoe’s across the street where we ended up. It’s a funny little place with an odd crowd, but they’ve got good burgers and tasty fried accompaniments. Yum!!

Ian was precious, of course. (It was a little cold on their heated porch.)
Linz & Ian @ MoJoes

Dave relaxing.
Dave @ MoJoes

Amy being a goof.
Amy @ MoJoes

Monica enjoys her Corona.
Monica @ MoJoes

February 8, 2008

All Have Arrived

Filed under: Babies,Visitors — JeniQ @ 7:52 pm

Dave and Amy made it home safely!
Amy enjoys a class of wine

Ian plays around on the playmat.


Visitors Arriving

Filed under: Visitors — JeniQ @ 7:24 pm

Guests have begun to arrive!

Lindsay and Ian
Lindsay & Max

Monica relaxes with a glass of wine.
Monica chilling

The cats were pretty freaked out by the baby. Later, they were bored.

Dave’s en route to the airport to pick up Amy. We’re off to dinner after Amy and Dave get home!

So Excited!

Filed under: Friends — JeniQ @ 3:28 pm

I have a million things to do right now, but just had to take a second to say how exited I am. Tomorrow is my big shower that the girls are throwing for me.

First, it’s just awesome that the girls are going to so much trouble and I love them so much for showering me with love like this. It sounds like there have been all sorts of plans and preparations and I am super excited!

Second, I am stoked to say that more out-of-town guests are showing up than I would have imagined! Amy and Ali, who helped organize this shindig, are both going to make it. Not that I’m not delighted they’re coming, but I was definitely counting on them to make it, being some of my oldest and dearest buds. Additionally, Monica is coming in from Austin, and Lindsay is coming in from Dallas!

They’re all crashing at my place, which makes me even happier. Oh, and Linz is bringing 4-month-old Ian, so we’ll have a real-life prop for the shower!!

OK, I hafta get back to work and get the house prepped for everybody’s arrival!


Filed under: Mood — JeniQ @ 11:56 am

I don’t normally blog about work, and technically this isn’t about work, it just happened at work.

Yesterday I was chastised for raising my arms above my head. Apparently you can strangle the baby with the umbilical cord by raising your arms above your head. SERIOUSLY PEOPLE. I mean, have you even thought logistically of how that would work? It’s like, impossible. And wait, I’m sorry, when did you get your medical degree? Oh, that’s right. You don’t have one. You’re just crazy.

And today I was chastised for wandering through the hallway eating at 10 o’clock and told that “You’d better be careful, you know you have to get skinny again after you have that baby.”
Most people I work with are not phased by the site of me walking around the office eating – happens all the time and has for years. If you’ve ever met me, I hope you’ll agree that I am not and have not been overweight. I’m nearly eight months pregnant and I’ve gained a measly 22 pounds – not bad if I do say so myself.
So what the heck? I actually planned a light breakfast today so I could finish up my leftovers in the morning – it wasn’t even an impulse eating binge. It was tasty chinese leftovers.

And then there’s this trauma that Emily’s going through with nosy people of her own.

Gah, can’t people keep from being so danged nosy?

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