I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

February 14, 2008

Shower Wrap-up

Filed under: Friends — JeniQ @ 11:18 pm

I wanted to take a minute to thank the ladies that made this event as special and fabulous as it was. The core group of Ali, Amy, Tyra and Mom planned and organized the event, which required lots of e-mail and a few conference calls. Amy flew in from Atlanta and Ali drove up, toting decorating items and fresh flowers, from Birmingham. Lindsay and Ian flew in from Dallas, and Ian helped soothe the soul of a few new mothers who came to the party while Lindsay made that awesome fondue. Monica left her baby and husband for the weekend and flew in from Austin to be with us. Cristin made pudding shots and photographed the event. Everyone helped out getting things set up. And it seemed as if Mom cleaned the entire kitchen by herself – we had to chase her out of there!

I love you guys, all of you!

Some cute personal shots I found.
Tyra and Jeni

Jeni & Monica

Ele, Ian & Monica

Tracey & Jenny

Cristin & Jeni

Mom finds a place for her beer

And did I mention all the gorgeous floral arrangements?

This one arrived from Granma.
Granma’s Flowers

And the rest were scattered around the house.

Carnations and ranunculus in milk jugs

Roses and Ranunculus



  1. HeeHee the only pic of me the whole night:-D Your Mommie is kewt!

    Comment by Cristin — February 15, 2008 @ 10:05 am

  2. HA! I see mom is quickly settling in to her role in this whole matter. And she’s doing it in style. Who said the cup holder in a baby carraige wasn’t for Rolling Rock?

    Love and miss!

    Comment by Jonathan — February 15, 2008 @ 12:22 pm

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