I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

February 29, 2008

Lurkers, declare yourself!

Filed under: Blogging — JeniQ @ 10:17 pm

Oh HAI! I noticed that some people guessed on our pregnancy pool that I don’t even know! Who are you? Come on, step up to the plate and introduce yourselves. See that little “comment” box down there? Go on, you know you want to. (No, seriously, I want to meet you!)

funny cat pictures - Oh Hai!  U New Here?


Filed under: Babies — JeniQ @ 10:13 pm

Well, unless I have the world’s shortest labor, it looks like we won’t be having a leap year baby. If we did have a leap year baby, he’d age at 1/4 the speed of everyone else! How cool would that be?

Leap Year

Tolkien Trilogy

Filed under: Media — JeniQ @ 8:31 am

So for like, ever, I’ve had these Lord of the Rings tapes in my house. I thought that the tapes were The Lord of the Rings trilogy in audiobook form. The tapes belong to my brother.

Having never read the books (but seen the movies), I thought I’d like to read the books finally. I started listening to them last week and realized that they couldn’t possibly be the entire books on tape, because there are only four tapes per book. I’ve never read the books but I think they’re quite a bit longer.

So it turns out that this series is a Mind’s Eye production of a radio adaptation of the books, produced for public radio back in 1979. It reminds me of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy radio production from the BBC ages ago. It’s got a cast of characters each performing their different parts, with background effects and a bit of a soundtrack. It’s amazing there’s even an article on the Wikipedia about it, but I guess that shouldn’t surprise me, the intersection of two geeky worlds.

Anyway, the serial is unbelievably hokey. I stopped after two tapes. Actually, the fidelity is so bad that I can’t hear the low sounds if I’m on the highway, so that didn’t help matters. But really not very entertaining to me. At least not from my modern perspective.

It looks like the tape (and CD) version is still out there for sale.
LOTR Tapes

February 28, 2008

My Pregnancy Advice Post

Filed under: Personal/Health — JeniQ @ 10:55 pm

Pregnant? Here’s my advice for you, in no particular order.

I was lazy. I coasted by on my current level of fitness, but now I’m seeing that 9 months of sedation isn’t the best way to get you excited about geting back into shape after gaining a good 30 pounds or more. I’m sure I’ll regret not having been more active. Get a basic prenatal exercise plan.

Buy a few pairs of Noppies trousers. These are the most comfortable pants! Admittedly, they’re a little high-maintenance (I use the hand-wash cycle and they need to be ironed after drip-drying), but they make me feel like a million bucks. Once you start fitting out of your regular clothes, you’ll pay more to feel good in your maternity clothes. Money spent on nice maternity wear is actually money spent well.

Cotton underwear, and you’ll want them in a larger size than you normally wear, I think.

Avoid the following while you are pregnant

Buying new shoes
With your feet swelling and your bones spreading, now is not the time to get a whole new shoe collection. Granted, you may discover you have no choice after the baby comes if your feet don’t go back to the size they once were. But until you know, don’t invest too much in preggo footwear.

Getting your vision checked/ordering new glasses
Did you know your vision changes during pregnancy? I can definitely tell that. I need to have an annual exam but I’m waiting till after I deliver.

Buying new rings
Again, what with all the swelling, now is not the time to get a ring sized. I’ve given up on everything but my wedding band, which I’m sure I couldn’t get off if I tried.

February 23, 2008

Ferris Bueller

Filed under: Movies — JeniQ @ 11:58 pm

Yay for Cool Classics movie night at the Colony! And yay for Cristin who is my constant movie companion! 🙂

We saw Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
Danke Shein

And we very much enjoyed our dinner at the Bull and Bear.

Oh, and then there was the stop at Dunkin’ Donuts. Here are my favorite pics of Cristin getting her sugar fix!
Cristin is mesmerized

Cristin Loves Dunkin Donuts

Cup o’ Pizza

Filed under: Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 11:51 pm

For Cristin, who recently watched The Jerk.

Personally, I’ve always thought Pizza in a Cup was a real thing. I mean, any properly good piece of floppy pizza could be ideally served in a big styrofoam cup. Beats the multiple paper plates they use at Randy’s.

But after our discussion the other night, I’m not sure if this ever existed as a concept outside of the world of The Jerk.

So, imagine my delight when the soup of the day at Edward’s Mill was Pizza Soup!
Pizza Soup
It was pretty good!

Last Shower

Filed under: Gifties,Party — JeniQ @ 11:34 pm

The folks at work threw me a very surprise shower the other day at work! How fabulous! I was so very surprised.

There was a whole spread of home-made desserts, including brownies, cookies, and rice crispy treats, plus other store-bought yummies, including cheesecake and donuts. I was in heaven.

Desserts and Cake


The diaper cake was an enormous diaper cake and each diaper was individually hand-tied. 🙂 Wow! It was adorned with cute pacifiers and rattles and topped with the most adorable stuffed frog. I may claim him for myself.

Diaper Cake

The girls who threw the party put on a game of Baby Family Feud. Every time a team won a round, they got a gift card, which they promptly gave to me! We have restaurant gift cards to keep us in food for weeks after the baby comes! How thoughtful!!

We also got a few outfits for the baby and a very soft, very snuggly blanket.
Hoodie Blanket

It was such a nice event, and I loved being so surprised with it. Hooray!

February 19, 2008

Kitteh Dance

Filed under: Cats — JeniQ @ 6:00 pm

How much do I love my kitteh? More than I can count!
I love my kitty

And here we are, dancing. 🙂
Jeni & Cayce Dance

February 15, 2008

Online Baby Pool!

Filed under: Babies — JeniQ @ 11:35 pm

In light of our latest doctor visit, we decided to post an online Baby Pool so you can guess at the date and time of the birth of and the weight and length of Baby Dickens.

So click the link below and go vote!

Thanks to the folks at ExpectNet for creating a free, online baby pool. Here’s info from their website:

How is the winner calculated?
ExpectNet calculates an overall winner and a winner in each category (closest to length, weight, and birth date and time). To calculate the overall rankings, penalty points from each category are totalled. The default points are assigned as follows:
birth date & time: 5 points/hour
weight: 5 points/ounce or 0.2 points/gram
length: 10 points/inch or 4 points/centimeter

The winner is the person with the fewest points.

February 14, 2008

Shower Wrap-up

Filed under: Friends — JeniQ @ 11:18 pm

I wanted to take a minute to thank the ladies that made this event as special and fabulous as it was. The core group of Ali, Amy, Tyra and Mom planned and organized the event, which required lots of e-mail and a few conference calls. Amy flew in from Atlanta and Ali drove up, toting decorating items and fresh flowers, from Birmingham. Lindsay and Ian flew in from Dallas, and Ian helped soothe the soul of a few new mothers who came to the party while Lindsay made that awesome fondue. Monica left her baby and husband for the weekend and flew in from Austin to be with us. Cristin made pudding shots and photographed the event. Everyone helped out getting things set up. And it seemed as if Mom cleaned the entire kitchen by herself – we had to chase her out of there!

I love you guys, all of you!

Some cute personal shots I found.
Tyra and Jeni

Jeni & Monica

Ele, Ian & Monica

Tracey & Jenny

Cristin & Jeni

Mom finds a place for her beer

And did I mention all the gorgeous floral arrangements?

This one arrived from Granma.
Granma’s Flowers

And the rest were scattered around the house.

Carnations and ranunculus in milk jugs

Roses and Ranunculus


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