I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

December 4, 2007

New and New

Filed under: Gifties,Shopping — JeniQ @ 3:10 pm

Look at my adorable new earrings and my adorable new top. Cristin made these earrings herself and gave them to me for my birthday!
And I got the top in the Junior’s clearance section at Belk. Why the kids these days want to look pregnant is beyond me, but it works out in my favor!


Dinner and half of a movie

Filed under: Cats,Cristin,David Bowie,Movies — JeniQ @ 9:43 am

Cristin came over for dinner on Monday night for a Bowie movie-fest, sort of. I was thinking we’d watch the DVD commentary on Labyrinth, but instead we watched several of the “making of” docs.
David and Cristin
And then I ran around for like an hour copying some CDs for her while she played on the computer and entertained the cats. And then we watched the first 30 minutes of The Hunger, which is not really very good, not to mention we watched the ancient VHS copy-of-a-copy I own that is very bad quality. But we got to see cute, young David Bowie in the shower scene, so woo-hoo for us! We were up too late but it was fun indeed!!

I made us dinner, sauteed chicken with a lemon-rosemary sauce served with rice and scalded green beans. Yummers!
Chicken Dinner

And Cristin brought over some awesome and chocolatey ice cream cupcakes from Maggie Moo’s. I ate two because I am unstoppable.

And the cats seemed content to amuse us with their funny sleeping positions.


Sleeping Giant

December 3, 2007

Labyrinth Viewing

Filed under: David Bowie,Movies — JeniQ @ 9:24 pm

Currently watching
with Miss Cristin.

December 2, 2007

Meeting Finn

Filed under: Babies,Ele — JeniQ @ 10:17 pm

I’ve been waiting for Ele to post to her blog because I forgot to take my camera when we went to meet Finn. This little man is so cute. And getting to hear all of Will and Ele’s stories was just terrific. Definitely helpful, not scary.

Check out our photos here.

To whet your appetite I’m posting this so-so-cute picture of Finn.


Our Crib!

Filed under: Babies,Decorating — JeniQ @ 9:57 pm

Granma has graciously offered to get our crib for us, and we all went out on Black Friday to shop around. We thought we had found the one we wanted, but on a return visit this weekend, we found one we liked better.

And on Saturday we placed the order for our crib! Not sure when it will be here, they quoted 8-12 weeks to arrive. It’s by Baby’s Dream and it’s the stationary Infinity crib. We got it in the Chestnut color, shown below.

BD Infinity


Filed under: Holidays,Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 11:11 am

The Christmas decorations at Waffle House make me happy. So does the food.

Waffle Lights

Waffle Lights2

More Movie Reviews

Filed under: Movies — JeniQ @ 10:57 am

Knocked Up

Really enjoyed watching Waitress and Knocked Up this weekend.

It was really fun for Dave and I to watch two movies dealing with impending pregnancies.

Ah, and I love the Hal Hartley-esque dialogue and timing in Waitress.

Jenna: Cal, are you happy? I mean, when you call yourself a happy man, do you really mean it?
Cal: You ask a serious question, I’ll give you a serious answer: Happy enough. I don’t expect much. I don’t get much, I don’t give much. I generally enjoy whatever comes along. That’s my answer for you, summed up for your feminine consideration. I’m happy enough.

I wrote my final paper in my Film class in college about Hal Hartley. I got an A-. Later, I sent the paper to the publishing house to forward on to him, and I received a reply! He corrected/responded to some of the points I’d made in my paper and congratulated me for a job well done.

*Sigh* I might have to go watch Surviving Desire now.

Surviving Desire

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