I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

November 6, 2007

Remember, Remember the Fifth of November

Filed under: Kerri,Movies — JeniQ @ 8:56 am

Yay!! Thanks to Kerri for accompanying me to the annual V for Vendetta showing at the Colony.

Now Showing: V for Vendetta

V Sign with Mask

And then I saw this. Imagine my delight!

So of course, I got a picture!
Jeni With V

There were three people in full costume and a few people just in masks. How come I didn’t know this was an annual event?!?!? Hello! Next year, same place, same time!

After the show, there was a short presentation by a few political activists: Ron Paul supporters, “9/11 is an inside job” folks, and some people who want to impeach the president. It was a cute tie-in to the movie, though I’m sure “cute” was not what they were going for.

November 5, 2007

Nursery painted

Filed under: Amy,Babies,Decorating — JeniQ @ 12:47 pm

Sunday Amy and I finished the second coat on the nursery walls. Here’s us, proud of our work.
Painted nursery

And here’s a shot from this morning in bright sunlight. It’s not really this yellow. Honest.
Bright Yellow

November 4, 2007

V for Vendetta on Guy Fawkes Day!

Filed under: Movies — JeniQ @ 12:06 pm

If you want to join me, I’ll be watching V for Vendetta at 8 PM at the Colony in Raleigh. This movie is one of my faves and stars the sexy Hugo Weaving.
If you don’t like this movie, if you’re interested in criticizing or poking fun, do me a favor and don’t sit near me. This will be my fourth time seeing it in the theatre and I love it and don’t spoil it for me, ‘kay?


Painting the Nursery

Filed under: Ali,Amy,Babies,Decorating — JeniQ @ 10:40 am

Our crew chief:
Ali Arty

With much patience on the part of Amy and Ali, we figured out an approach to decorating the nursery. Dave and I had already picked out the Magic Garden crib set from Litto Kids, so all the colors the girls and I choose are designed around it.

For the walls we went with a pale yellow with brown undertones that is kin to the yellow in the print. It looked like cake batter and we all had to remind ourselves it wasn’t so that we wouldn’t lick our fingers.

Cake Batter

I was so thankful they were here to help, and we got the first coat on the walls Saturday night!

Dave Paints

Amy Paints

Introducing the baby to the paint.
Baby meets paint

Gifts and Dangle

Filed under: Ali,Amy,Friends — JeniQ @ 10:27 am

We saw a guy dressed in a shiny plastic Lt. Dangle costume on our way home from breakfast on Saturday. His pants kept falling down.


Then I gave the ladies some gifties and they loved them!

Amy got some candy cuffs – you have to eat your way out. 🙂

Ali got a t-shirt with a very subtle message: “Nobody knows I’m a Esbian.” Heh, the shirt’s just folded up. She really seemed to like it, though, so hooray!

Saturday Morning Comin’ Down

Filed under: Ali,Amy,Friends,Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 10:22 am

After lovely massages on Friday afternoon and a lovely dinner at Irregardless Cafe Friday, we got up on Saturday morning for a traditional breakfast at Waffle.

Amy Ali Waffle

Jeni Ali Waffle

November 1, 2007

Geek’s Guide to TV and Movie Costumes

Filed under: Crafty,Firefly/Serenity,Harry Potter,Media,Movies — JeniQ @ 9:41 am

I love Ruth. Check her out in this short clip of geeky costumes. You’ll be sad if you miss this.


Filed under: Visitors — JeniQ @ 6:38 am

Dave comes home today, and Amy arrives this evening. Ali will be here tomorrow. Super excited about having Dave back home and my fun company, as well.

What have I done to prepare for their arrival? The house is impeccable! The cleaners came this week and I’ve also done the following:

  • changed all the bed linens, washed and put up the old bed linens
  • changed all the towels, washed and put up the old towels
  • steam cleaned the carpets where the cats pooped
  • changed the litter boxes so they’re fresh as a daisy
  • vacuumed the living room furniture
  • washed all the downstairs throw rugs
  • evacuated several mice from the garage
  • cleaned out my car, vacuumed it and washed the windows

Everything’s looking very nice. Now I just hope the cats don’t have a kegger this morning and ruin it all.

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