I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

October 9, 2007

So tempting…

Filed under: Blogging — JeniQ @ 8:34 am

Would you kill me if I migrated my blog domain again…?


October 6, 2007

Favorite Pictures from England

Filed under: Alba,Alcohol,Cats,England,Friends,Travel,Vacation — JeniQ @ 9:23 am

I’ve compiled some of my favorite pictures from my trip to England.

The Tower Bridge (look familiar?)
London Fun 7

Bill, my and Alba’s host in Cambridge, who indulged me an an hour-long conversation about my favorite British TV shows
London Fun 10

A much deserved beer at the end of a long day of biking around Cambridge
London Fun 1
How much I adore a decent half-pint!

My tower of coasters
London Fun 9

Self-portrait at Picadilly Circus
London Fun 2

Getting attacked by a street performer
London Fun 3

Lovely shadowplay on the Houses of Parliament (courtesy of Alba)
London Fun 4

Self-portrait in front of the Tower Bridge
London Fun 5

An alley cat I made nice with in a pub in Harrow
London Fun 6
See the guy in the back, on the right? Later that day, he gave me his match ticket from the match that had played that day in Wembley Stadium – what a lovely souvenier!

The only rain I saw during my whole trip was as I was about to board the plane home 🙂
London Fun 8

October 4, 2007


Filed under: Holidays,Shopping — JeniQ @ 4:43 pm

Taken September 17th at BJs and Lowe’s. Honestly, people.

Xmas Trees

Xmas Aisle Lowes

Xmas Aisles

October 3, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

Filed under: Birthday,Granma — JeniQ @ 11:55 am

Yay! Granma made me a yummy cake!
Birthday Cake 07-2

Birthday Cake 07-1

New Glasses

Filed under: Cute,Shopping — JeniQ @ 9:09 am

I got my new glasses while I was in Austin. Yay!!!

I really like them. They fit great (once I got the stems adjusted) and look nice, I think.

You might notice designs in the top and bottom corners of my glasses. They’re “tattoos” and I quite like them. They don’t get in the way of my vision at all.

 Glasses Detail

Yay for being able to see!

Harry Potter Sightings in England

Filed under: England,Harry Potter — JeniQ @ 7:02 am

It took some time, but I have finally compiled my post about Harry Potter in England. And let me tell you, fellow muggles, it’s true! Below you will see proof that J. K. Rowling is writing about what really goes on in England. I think all that talk of “fiction” is just a cover story so us muggles won’t know what is going on.

We passed a witch and wizard while touring one of the colleges in Cambridge.
HP London 3

And here, someone left their FireBolt just laying about. It probably has some spell on it to keep us from seeing the brand name and stirrups.
HP London 1

And I think this must be Hogwarts.
HP London 5

The difficult-to-spot Platform 9 and 3/4 must have been malfunctioning because all of these tourists had crowded around it.
HP London 6

We also found the British version of the book for sale, everywhere we went.HP London 4

And I couldn’t help myself but I bought a whole sheet of First Class stamps, featuring the British book covers. HP London 2

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