I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

October 23, 2007

It’s a boy!

Filed under: Babies,Blogging — JeniQ @ 1:49 pm

Did you hear? We’re having a boy!

Read more about it at my pregnancy journal.

October 21, 2007


Filed under: Cristin,David Bowie,Movies — JeniQ @ 9:48 pm

Members of the “David Bowie’s spandex in Labyrinth shaped my childhood” Facebook group know what it’s all about. As do Cristin’s boobs! 🙂

Labyrinth Boobs

Fun Jenny came over to Cristin’s tonight to watch Labryinth for the first time ever! It was fun to watch with Cristin, who has watched this movie more times than she can count. Cristin made yummy dip which we devoured, and had some fabulous cookies that were reminiscent of cupcakes.

Cristin and I geeked out and loved every minute of it. Jenny liked it, too, but I think that she was also having a good time chuckling at us.
Labyrinth Evidence


Filed under: Vacation — JeniQ @ 8:00 pm

We went camping at Jordan Lake Saturday night as a little getaway just for the two of us.

Here’s Simon all loaded up with gear. The entire cargo area was full!

A very large area of dried-up lake.

We saw lots of uncovered old stumps and these huge clams left half-buried in the sand. Poor bi-valves.

A box turtle greeted us at our campsite!

Our campsite, with Simon half-emptied and the tent already set up.

Dave finishing up the tent deployment.

Our tent, all ready for sleepy time!

The view from within our tent.

Our tent in the dark of night.

Breakfast – bacon, eggs and hashbrowns.

October 18, 2007

Kitchen Habits

Filed under: Household — JeniQ @ 8:00 am

Some time ago I realized that every woman (and man?) has a habit in the kitchen that’s a little quirky, typically based on a need or desire for frugality. Here are the ones in my family.

My great-grandmother used to wash out her paper towels, dry them, and re-use them. Granted, great-granma was around during the depression so she had no clue just how wasteful people could be. I imagine she’d be horrified by the amount of stuff the average person throws away. (If you ever feel similarly horrified, check out Freecycle.)

My grandmother used to wash out her ziploc bags and reuse them. Those things were expensive when they first came out, I think. Yay for granma for seeing the senselessness in throwing them away after just one use.

My mom would cut napkins in half. They are folded twice and she’d cut along the second fold to make two two-ply napkins rather than one four-ply napkin. If you’re not that messy, you don’t notice the difference and it doubles the life of a package of napkins.

I re-use my ziploc and fold-over sandwich baggies for the same items for several days in a row. If i take brownies to work in a baggie today, I’ll bring it home with me and refill it for the next day.

What about you? What little odd thrifty habit have you adopted in the kitchen? Enquiring minds want to know!

October 17, 2007

Oh Noes!

Filed under: While Driving — JeniQ @ 10:08 am

Oh Noes!!


 Though I was trying to work, I was inspired this morning by Cristin’s post.

October 16, 2007


Filed under: Animals — JeniQ @ 11:46 am

Look what we found in the garage this weekend!


We knew something had gotten into the birdseed a while back, but never found one of the little guys until this past weekend. Dave found him in a pot of dirt as we were cleaning up the garage.

We released him into the woods on the other side of the street. I had some indecision about this because the mouse was obviously quite young – it never opened its eyes. I hope that it managed to get along without momma or poppa mouse, but it more than likely ended up as a snack for some woodland creature. The cycle of life.

Unfortunately, we know there’s still a momma or poppa mouse in the garage. I saw it scurrying Sunday night. I debated letting the cats into the garage to find and kill the mouse(s). For some reason, that seemed more humane than setting out a trap. Then I decided I didn’t want the cats to catch any funk, what with me being preggo and all.

So, now I’m left with figuring out how to rid the garage of the mouse(s) that still lives there. Any “humane” solutions? I’d gladly release him into the woods on the other side of the street, if I could just get ahold of him.

October 12, 2007


Filed under: Blogging,David Bowie,Love — JeniQ @ 7:47 pm

I did it! Go to www.iheartdavids.com. First props go to my favorite Dave. Then there’s my second favorite David.

Read this post to understand why I did it.

Two New Pages

Filed under: Babies,Blogging — JeniQ @ 7:00 am

Greetings Friends & Readers & Lurkers,

I wanted to note two pages I’ve added recently to my bloggy.

First, there is the Subscriptions page. If you want an easy way to know when the blog has been updated, you can simply subscribe to the blog. A notice including a snippet of content is emailed directly to you (though, for some reason, pictures are not included). Nice and convenient, especially since I fixed the outbound mailer. Hooray for my techno-skillz.

Second, I’ve added a page for my Pregnancy Ticker. This will give you a visual representation of the countdown, and also links to my Pregnancy Blog on Vox. Most of my pregnancy commentary and content is going to be on that blog. Tomorrow makes 18 weeks, which is 4 1/2 months! Wow!

I hope you enjoy these two new features. If you have any problems with the Subscriptions feature, let me know.


October 9, 2007

How to command your iPod Shuffle to play what you want

Filed under: Blogging,Media,Technology — JeniQ @ 9:17 pm

Here’s my tip for the Geeks Are Sexy “How to” Contest.

This tip is for iPod Shuffle users. The problem with the Shuffle is that there is no way to control your music while you are listening to it. The Shuffle has two settings – either shuffle and straight-through. Typically, most people listen to it on shuffle setting. However, if you use a little smarts when importing your music into your Shuffle, you can use the straight-through setting to your advantage.

I have all of my music ripped to FLAC, so it’s not compatible with iTunes. That means I have to convert my music from FLAC to MP3 in order to import it into iTunes. I use this to my advantage.

When I convert the music, I make sure that the file naming convention is Artist Name first, then Song Name second. Then I import the music into iTunes and onto my iPod.

Now, when I am listening to music on my Shuffle, if I decide I want to hear more of a particular artist (say, for instance, David Bowie), I can just set the iPod to the straight-through setting. Because the files all start with the same name, I can hear all of the songs of a particular artist at one time, even though I’m listening to my “You ain’t got no control” Shuffle.

Hope you like it!

Geeks are Sexy (and Profitable!)

Filed under: Blogging,Technology — JeniQ @ 8:17 pm

The tech blog Geeks Are Sexy is hosting a very cool, geeky “How to” contest.

In short, they want your original (and geeky) how-to article and in return you’ll be eligible for some very cool prizes, including this adorable Mimobot USB Flash Drive.

 Hurry, this contest ends in a few weeks so get your entries in. You even get a chance to win just for posting about the contest on your own blog. Go check out the contest!

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