I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

October 6, 2007

Favorite Pictures from England

Filed under: Alba,Alcohol,Cats,England,Friends,Travel,Vacation — JeniQ @ 9:23 am

I’ve compiled some of my favorite pictures from my trip to England.

The Tower Bridge (look familiar?)
London Fun 7

Bill, my and Alba’s host in Cambridge, who indulged me an an hour-long conversation about my favorite British TV shows
London Fun 10

A much deserved beer at the end of a long day of biking around Cambridge
London Fun 1
How much I adore a decent half-pint!

My tower of coasters
London Fun 9

Self-portrait at Picadilly Circus
London Fun 2

Getting attacked by a street performer
London Fun 3

Lovely shadowplay on the Houses of Parliament (courtesy of Alba)
London Fun 4

Self-portrait in front of the Tower Bridge
London Fun 5

An alley cat I made nice with in a pub in Harrow
London Fun 6
See the guy in the back, on the right? Later that day, he gave me his match ticket from the match that had played that day in Wembley Stadium – what a lovely souvenier!

The only rain I saw during my whole trip was as I was about to board the plane home 🙂
London Fun 8


  1. Lovely! I’m so jealous. We’ll have to do a trip together some day!

    Comment by Cristin — October 6, 2007 @ 5:58 pm

  2. Great pictures! The street performer shot, drinking the half- pint and you with your new friend the cat (who looks kinda like Seymour) are my favorites. That photo of Tower Bridge is gorgeous, btw.

    Comment by Monica — October 7, 2007 @ 1:11 pm

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