I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

August 13, 2007

Dog Sitting

Filed under: Dogs — JeniQ @ 7:28 am

We are dogsitting Maggie, who belongs to a guy I work with. Maggie is an 80-pound Bull Mastiff and she is the sweetest thing! We are happy to host her for a few days. She has been great with the cats. Non-threatening, and really giving them their space. They’ve been acting like fraidy-cats, but they’re slowly emerging from their hiding places.





August 12, 2007

Getting to Cambridge

Filed under: Alba,England,Meals & Food,Travel — JeniQ @ 10:22 am

Proof that you shouldn’t do Sudoku, even a gentle one, at 6 AM when you’ve had only four hours of sleep.

The inflight status tracker was very accurate, including the two circles we made to kill time because we arrived early.

Thursday night, I arrived around 8 PM and caught the 2 1/2 hour coach up to Cambridge. Alba met me at the bus station and we took a cab home. Then we went to sleep!

Friday morning, she made me a lovely breakfast with coffee, fresh fruit and eggs.
Friday Breakfast Prep

Friday Breakfast


Filed under: Books,Cristin,Harry Potter — JeniQ @ 9:45 am

Well, I finally finished! I read about 300 pages of the book Cristin so kindly loaned me in the three days before I took my trip, and then I listened to another five hours on the flight over to England. Still, I hadn’t finished by the time I landed. I intended to finish on the trip back home, but sat next to an engaging conversationalist. I only got about 1-2 hours read on the 6+ hour flight. I was able to listen to more during my several hour layover in JFK, but still didn’t finish the whole thing until a day after I got home.

So, what did I think? I guess I’m not really sure how I feel about it. There were several things that I found quite confusing, and it took some internet reading to understand what they meant. So when I closed the book, I didn’t quite have closure. Now I understand, but I’m still not sure I liked it as much as Cristin. More details below.

If you have already read the book, or have no plans to, I cannot highly enough recommend this synopsis. Really, really funny. Worth the read, and shorter than the book if you’re feeling intimidated by its length.

Also, I liked Ryan’s account of the book. Thanks for the comment!

*****************SPOILER ALERT*****************


It’s getting hot in here

Filed under: Weather — JeniQ @ 8:40 am

It’s been hot recently. This was my temperature gauge when getting into my car at 8 AM on a recent morning.

90 Degrees

August 7, 2007


Filed under: England,Travel — JeniQ @ 8:43 am

I went, and now I’m back! Pictures to come when I can get around to it.


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