I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

August 17, 2007

Meet Nick Turpin

Filed under: Celebs,England,Travel — JeniQ @ 5:06 pm

So, on my flight home I intended to get in about 6 solid hours of HP Book 7. That didn’t happen, due to my interesting seat neighbor.

Nick is a professional photographer who splits his time between London, France, and wherever the jobs take him. He’s got an unique outlook on life and seems to both send and receive information from a different perspective. I certainly didn’t mind that he stole my Harry time from me.

His hobbies are quite varied and he makes for an interesting conversationalist. (Plus, he’s met David Bowie. It’s like I’m that much closer to living my dream.) He didn’t make too many enquiries into my life, which I hold as the most important skill of any talented conversationalist, but I think that was probably appropriate, seeing as how we were perfect strangers and it could be construed as creepy to do so. He was a perfect gentleman, even letting me eat off his plate. It was really a lovely trip.

I have rudely stolen two images from his site to post here. I strongly encourage you to check all of them out yourself. You will appreciate his sense of humor, I think. Also, give his iN-PUBLiC street photography website a look.

(Note: If you are on low bandwith and/or your monitor resolution is at or lower than 1024 x 768, find another computer for your visit to Nick’s site.)

A Camera in the Tate: An exploration of the relationship between people and art at London’s Tate Gallery.


Trading Life: Street photography from the Financial District of London.  



  1. Awesome, awesome website! Did you catch the Tar Heels shirt in the Youth section?

    Comment by Cristin — August 19, 2007 @ 8:57 am

  2. Yes, I totally did!

    Comment by admin — August 19, 2007 @ 10:10 pm

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