I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

July 26, 2007

Fun with License Plates

Filed under: While Driving — JeniQ @ 9:52 pm

I’ve been busy snapping license plates. Here are some recent ones:

CALAMI-T : Jane, is that you?

DIV&DEEP : I didn’t see a “diver down” bumper sticker. Could there be another meaning to this?


FRTLOOPS : You said it, not me.

FRZBGOLF : For Robbie, though I think this is a repeat.

GANYMEDE : For Michael. Why, I wonder?

GOLDWNG : For my mom. On a Goldwing, of course!

IT’SMR2U : Heh. It’s for sale if you’re interested. 🙂


L1NDYHOP : Obvious, but was LINDYHOP taken?


MOXY : Hmm.

RDHAIRNG : I’m guessing a hairstylist?

RESQ : Qute.

SHOWCATS : Seen at the Fairgrounds when we went to the cat show recently. (Craxy cat people!)

1 Comment »

  1. Hey Q,

    Just a suggestion. Since you are hosting your pics locally now.. you may want to scale them down a bit. These lic pics took longer than normal to load. Your upload speed is your bottleneck.

    Comment by Sean — July 30, 2007 @ 6:30 am

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