I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

June 10, 2007

More Atlanta Photos

Filed under: Ali,Amy,Art,Crafty,Travel — JeniQ @ 3:47 pm

Here’s Amy, fixing my new fabulous Bowie shirt that arrived with a few holes in the seams.
The three of us, ready to take on the day.
Given the opportunity to climb a rock wall, I always will.
Some fab art I picked up at the Virginia Highlands art festival. Sooo cute!
Amy’s glamour shot at dinner.

June 8, 2007

Hotlanta: Friday Night

Filed under: Ali,Amy,Friends,Travel — JeniQ @ 3:11 am
Some pics from Atlanta! Friday night we spent in, drinking and talking excessively. I love my girls.

June 7, 2007

Baby Bluebird Update

Filed under: Babies,Birds,Media — JeniQ @ 12:34 pm
Sorry I’ve been so lame about posting this second clutch of bluebirds. We haven’t been as good about feeding them, either. Ah well.

Anyway, here are some cute pictures and a video. I don’t really know how old they are, I haven’t been paying close enough attention. If someone wants, they can do the math for me. I’m not supposed to open the nest box after they’re 12 days old, and I think it’s close, but not sure. Judging by this guy’s athletic ability, I don’t think I’ll open the box again.


Filed under: David Bowie — JeniQ @ 3:10 am
Bowie has got a way with five words

June 1, 2007

Welcome to the ATL!

Filed under: Alcohol,Amy,Travel — JeniQ @ 9:48 pm
Left a horrible day at work at noon. Had lunch with the honey, then to the airport.

Just got into Atlanta and stopped at the ghetto beer store for some lukewarm beer before heading back to Amy’s office so she can finish up some last minute work.

Welcome to Hotlanta, baby!
(Ever seen the ants in the Atlanta airport? They are so rad!)

New Rug!

Filed under: Decorating — JeniQ @ 6:29 pm
Our new rug arrived – it looks fabulous!!!

Aren’t I cute?

Filed under: Cute,Personal/Health — JeniQ @ 6:24 pm

Inspired by Elliot of Scrubs.

Baby Bluebird Video

Filed under: Babies,Birds,Media — JeniQ @ 6:20 pm

So, all five of our chicks hatched. They are Chester, Chili, Keifer, Elvis and Huey. (Thanks Amber!)

Here’s a video of them looking for a handout:

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