I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

June 16, 2007

Friday Night Ballgame

Filed under: Entertainment,Family,Visitors — JeniQ @ 3:05 am

We had tickets to the Bulls tonight. Yay! they won! Lucky ran the bases after the game.

Leslie’s blue toes.
Vince and Leslie.
The view from our seats.
The new Blue Monster.

June 15, 2007

Tag Cloud

Filed under: Blogging — JeniQ @ 8:41 pm

Here’s my tag cloud according to Technorati:

Honestly, how often do I really blog about babies and exercise?

Mommy’s Birthday

Filed under: Birthday — JeniQ @ 12:55 pm
Taking inspiration from Ele, I gathered flowers from my yard and left them at my mom’s doorstep, with a card.

Bluebird Update

Filed under: Birds — JeniQ @ 2:21 am

These birdies are about ready to fly the coop! They are so big. They will be gone within two days, I’m quite sure.
Here’s all five of them, posing nicely for the photo.
They all want a bite to eat when momma bird shows up at the door.The dominant bird makes himself known. In this picture, he’s literally standing on top of the other four chicks.
And he continues to rule the roost!

June 14, 2007


Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 8:56 pm

He’s home. 🙂

Yay! Hooray!!

Filed under: Travel — JeniQ @ 10:34 am
Today is the day Dave comes home! He’s been gone since last Tuesday, in Phoenix and Taiwan. His extended absence is the explanation for all the heavy blogging and heavy TV watching I’ve been doing. I’ll be so happy to have him home!!!!!!!

Wednesday Night Beers

Filed under: Alcohol,Kerri,Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 3:11 am
I skipped yoga tonight and met up with Kerri for dinner, back at Rudino’s Rooftop. Yum.

June 13, 2007

Amazing Concert

Filed under: David Bowie,Music — JeniQ @ 11:20 pm

This concert sounds amazing. Jealous doesn’t even begin to describe it.

Browncoats!! Gather!!

Filed under: Firefly/Serenity,Movies — JeniQ @ 10:50 pm
This is so cool. Anyone want to go with me? Learn more here.

Let me know ASAP if you are interested. I want to get tickets very soon!!

Because of you, I have to rest

Filed under: David Bowie,Music — JeniQ @ 11:54 am

My current addiction: Cygnet Committee by David Bowie, off of the 1972 RCA release, Space Oddity. (It says on the cover of my tape, “Previously released as ‘Man of Words, Man of Music’.”) I’ve probably listened to it two dozen times in as many days.
Here’s how one reviewer on Amazon described it:

“Cygnet Committee” is the grand gem of this album. Nine and a half minutes long, and great for every second of it. It weaves a talk good enough for a novel and the end brings to mind every great plea of human history, from Patrick Henry to Martin Luther King, Jr.

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