I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

June 20, 2007

My chair arrived!

Filed under: Decorating — JeniQ @ 3:28 pm

My chair arrived yesterday! I think it looks fabulous and goes perfectly with the rug! The colors couldn’t be a better match. Dave thinks the rug is quite busy but is still withholding judgement. Can I get opinions from any of you about the rug? Or the rug with the chair, whatever. You’re opinionated people, I’m sure you won’t hold back. 🙂

Damn if I don’t match the chair, too!

June 19, 2007

Small world memories

Filed under: Music,Small World — JeniQ @ 1:58 am

Another “small world” story.
I knew Dan Villanueva in college. He was in a band called Dorian Gray. I fell in love with their Morrissey-influenced music, and had a little crush on Dan, who was the cute lead singer. They even played a gig at my Grandmother’s house one summer!
I found Dan on-line this winter, and wrote him this letter. I never got a response, but it’s such a sentimental story, I share it with you now.

Hi Dan-Dan!

A funny thing happened to me the other day. I was listening to The Postal Service “Give Up” and for some reason, I had a flashback memory of Dorian Gray. Something about the music I was listening to jiggled a memory that was 13 years old, and make me want to pop in my Dorian Gray tape to live in the past. I got to work a few minutes later and opened my email. I found this funny little message that slipped past the spam filter. When I saw that, I thought it must be a sign. Then I found your site and wow, you’re still working with Keith on Astropop3! I am so proud of you! I listened to some of the clips and it sounds like you’ve been true to your influences. And your own label, how cool is that? When I found your website, I looked through my boxes in the attic and found a stack of your letters. I have scanned a few pictures I found. I thought you’d get a kick out of them. [Here’s a clipping from the newspaper and a photo of DG playing on Granma’s back porch.] I also found a photo of my college dorm room. You can see the Dorian Gray poster hanging proudly in my room. I wonder where that poster went? I hope you are doing well. You look good, more grown-up than the skinny kid I knew. 🙂 I, too, have grown up! You can check me at out at my silly little blog: jeniq.blogspot.com. It’s pretty random stuff. I’ll attach a recent picture, too. It’s nice to find you are alive and well. I hope you’re happy.


Simon Says!

Filed under: Weather — JeniQ @ 12:55 am

It was hot outside!

June 17, 2007

Fishmongers Lunch

Filed under: Alcohol,Family,Meals & Food,Visitors — JeniQ @ 9:35 pm

Sunday morning was breakfast and then a few hours by the pool before meeting Mom and Gene at Fishmongers for a big lunch. Yummy!

We had several rounds of beers, several pounds of shrimp, a dozen steamed oysters and a dozen steamed clams, a pound of steamed crab claws, some broccoli, limas and corn, and two orders of onion rings. Mom and Gene and I each had two oyster shooters, which were quite tasty. Vince couldn’t be convinced to try one. 😉

Both Gene and Vince worked on this steamed oyster for 20 minute until they finally got the little cuss open. Gene said it was mighty tasty.

Sylvie Louise

Filed under: Birthday,Cats — JeniQ @ 9:29 pm

Or, as my mom calls her, Sillie Louie. 🙂 Isn’t she precious? She just turned 12!

The Dark Crystal

Filed under: Movies — JeniQ @ 3:37 am
Wednesday night they are showing the Dark Crystal at the Colony Theatre. I think Cristin wants to go with me! Fun!

Anyone else interested?

That’s Hot!

Filed under: David Bowie — JeniQ @ 3:17 am
I’ve been drinking, so what an appropriate time to post this picture of me looking hot in my latest Bowie shirt!

Flown the coop!

Filed under: Babies,Birds — JeniQ @ 12:06 am
They’re all gone. All five of the bluebird baby birdies fledged today. We saw three of them leave!

Here’s one planning his exit strategy.

June 16, 2007

New Stereo

Filed under: Decorating,Music — JeniQ @ 11:51 pm

We hit Father and Son Antiques today and scored a vintage phonograph plus speakers. I’m so excited! This is just what I wanted for our front reading room.
Dave and Vince had to run to RadioShack to get the wiring to hook it up, and they got it up and running in no time. (The turntable has an onboard receiver and amplifier, so no other equipment necessary.)
It’s a KLH Model Twenty

The speakers are gorgeous – the photo doesn’t do them justice. The fabric has a gold thread woven through it and the grilles are so nicely made, too.

Friday Night Fireworks

Filed under: Entertainment — JeniQ @ 3:38 am

Friday nights are fireworks nights at the DAP.


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