I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

June 24, 2007

Funday Afternoon

Filed under: Alcohol,Friends,Shopping — JeniQ @ 10:35 pm
Jenny came over around noon and we hit the Saucer for lunch and beers. Jenny took advantage of the Fire Sale and had a North Carolina pint and I tried a Bell’s Two Hearted Pale Ale on her recommendation. Tasty! Then we headed to Father & Sons Antiques. I’m sad to say I had to return the record player we had bought. There is something wrong with it, and I think it would cost too much to fix it.
I did buy a fabulous polyester dress that will be perfect for a Christmas party, though! It is not pictured. Instead, below you will see some amazing frock we found – what’s up with that little funny part in the front!?

Music Library

Filed under: Music — JeniQ @ 3:33 pm

Our music collection just keeps growing!

Bowie Collection

Filed under: David Bowie,Music — JeniQ @ 3:02 pm

Here is my original Bowie collection, on tape!
This includes:

  • Pin Ups
  • Absolute Beginners Soundtrack
  • Diamond Dogs
  • Love You Til Tuesday
  • The Collection 1
  • The Collection 2
  • Aladdin Sane
  • Scary Monsters
  • Space Oddity
  • The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars
  • Diamond Dogs (RYKO re-release)
  • Hunky Dory
  • Labyrinth Soundtrack
  • Low
  • Never Let Me Down
  • Tonight
  • ChangesTwoBowie
  • Tin Machine
  • Lodger
  • In Bertolt Brecht’s “Baal”

I bought most of these in high school. Of course, I have upgraded my technology over the years. As of last weekend, I owned this on CD:

  • 1966
  • Black Tie White Noise
  • Earthling
  • Hunky Dory
  • Let’s Dance
  • Lodger
  • Low
  • The Man Who Sold The World
  • Never Let Me Down
  • Outside
  • Reality
  • The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars
  • Scary Monsters
  • Sound + Vision I
  • Sound + Vision II
  • Sound + Vision III

Now, thanks to Cristin’s awesomeness, I own eight more Bowie CDs!!

  • Aladdin Sane
  • Diamond Dogs
  • Pin Ups
  • Young Americans
  • “Heroes”
  • Labyrinth
  • Space Oddity
  • Heathen

So, I think my collection is about perfect! Oh, I ordered Tonight and it should arrive next week. I can’t think of what else I’d need to add.

Here’s what it looks like all put together. Pretty impressive, if I do say so myself. 🙂

  • 1966
  • Aladdin Sane
  • Black Tie White Noise
  • Diamond Dogs
  • Earthling
  • “Heroes”
  • Heathen
  • Hunky Dory
  • Labyrinth
  • Let’s Dance
  • Lodger
  • Low
  • Never Let Me Down
  • Outside
  • Pin Ups
  • Reality
  • The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars
  • Scary Monsters
  • Space Oddity
  • Sound + Vision I
  • Sound + Vision II
  • Sound + Vision III
  • The Man Who Sold The World
  • Young Americans

Adorable Invite

Filed under: Ele,Party — JeniQ @ 3:39 am

Look at these adorable invites from Ele! They are so cute but I had no idea they were so labor intensive. Ele, we’ll be there!

Super Excited – "The Hire" from BMW films

Filed under: Media — JeniQ @ 3:04 am
Eons ago in a distant past, my friend Thon made me sit down in front of his television and we watched a series of short films with his fabulous surround sound system. He had downloaded all of these films from the BMW site and we watched them off his laptop. I remember thinking they were excellent. Was that because of Clive Owen? Perhaps.

There are 8 films. Each film is a different story set in a BMW with a driver. The driver is always Clive Owen, and each film is directed by a different director. Directors include John Frankenheimer, Ang Lee, Wong Kar-Wai, Guy Ritchie, Alejandro González Iñárritu, John Woo, and Joe Carnahan.

Madonna even stars in the Guy Ritchie vignette!

Anyway, I discovered about a year ago that you could register with the BMW site and get a free copy of the films. Dave has a BMW, so I thought, perfect! Unfortunately, when I went back to the site several months ago, I discovered that “The Hire Films series is no longer available for download or purchase.”

How disappointing. Not letting myself get down about it, I scoured Ebay and Half for copies. I was disappointed to discover that the DVD was going for about $30 – more than I thought it was worth. However, I did find one fabulous person selling the disc for $13! It just arrived today – I’m so excited!!! Damn, I hope it plays!

Did I mention how sexy Clive Owen is?

June 22, 2007

Hallway Conversation

Filed under: While Driving — JeniQ @ 3:49 pm

With a guy who works in another office in my building

MS: That looks good. What’s in it?
JQ: Noodles. Vegetables. Tofu.
MS: {wrinkles brow} Are you a vegetarian?
JQ: No, I just drive a Forester.
MS: {laughs}
JQ: I’m not gay, either.


Travel is not glamourous

Filed under: Travel — JeniQ @ 12:06 pm

OK, I’ve always thought travel was glamorous, especially flying. Walking around the airport with purpose, feeling important to be going somewhere, doing something. I also like staying in hotel rooms – it’s like there are no rules. You can be as messy as you want, you can stay up late, watching bad TV in bed, take excessively long showers, and wander around the halls in your PJs. I get excited whenever we travel, and not just because of the place we’re going to or the people we’re going to see. I like the travel part itself, too.

I think it feels fancy to travel. And when I travel, I love to act fancy, too. I especially love traveling with Dave, whose many years of traveling for work have earned him First Class status at many airlines. That means we get to check in more quickly, we can board first, and if we ever go standby, we’re at the top of the list. Fancy!

I realize my adulation of travel is probably artless. I’m sure Dave thinks it’s cute but borne of lack of experience. Dave doesn’t think travel is exciting or fancy at all. Too many 14-hour intercontinental flights, too many nights in impersonal hotel rooms eating food from the same Sysco restaurants. I’m glad I haven’t had to travel as extensively as he has, because I’m sure I’d share his sentiments.

But today, even I don’t think travel is glamorous. Dave found out on Wednesday that he had to fly to Taiwan due to an emergency at work. (He just got back from a week Taiwan one week ago.) He left for Taiwan this morning. That means there was about 24 hours notice to purchase his tickets, which means the most direct routes and the best seats are already booked.

Typically, he gets to Taiwan by flying from RDU to DET, and from DET to TPE. Instead, today he flies from RDU to CLE, and then from CLE to LAX. For the 4 hour flight to Los Angeles, he’s stuck in the middle seat. Did I ever mention that he’s 6’4″? From LAX to TPE, he’s taking Eva Airlines – have you ever heard of them? Because the flight was booked so close to take off, he does not have a seat assignment. I hope he doesn’t get stuck in a miserable seat for his 14 hour flight!

The worst part of this trip is that it’s not clear when he’ll be home. Because of the nature of the emergency, his return date is not set. We have tickets to fly to Cleveland on the 29th of June – will he be home in time to make his flight? *Sigh*

The man works hard for us, and I do love him so for that. (That’s not him, it’s some random picture of a cramped airplane seat.)

June 21, 2007

Meet Cristin!

Filed under: Cristin,David Bowie,Friends,Movies — JeniQ @ 11:12 am

Wednesday night The Colony movie theatre showed an original copy of The Dark Crystal. The print had lots of pops and haze in it, it was definitely an old, old copy of the movie. They even had a vintage movie poster on display, check it! Cristin decided to go with me, after agonizing over the decision. We posed in front of the poster but the stoned guy taking our picture couldn’t figure out how to focus…grumble.
But damn, aren’t we cute?!
We met for burgers and fries at Pharaoh’s before heading to the movie. I so so enjoyed meeting Cristin! She’s awesome and she loves David just as much as I do! (I’m sure Matt’s middle name is David.) We had a great time talking over dinner, and it was very relaxed and natural. The conversation flowed easily. This is the best you can get when meeting an internet friend for the first time. Yay!!! But I was totally surprised at how wee she is – look, she’s smaller than me! That just makes her more adorable. She is really too cute.

Attention Jackson Publick: I may have found the Venture Bros. original house! These enormous, insane carpets line the walls of the Colony’s movie theatre. How retro can you get? I’m sure that Rusty would think they’re so fab!

I think we should also note that the Colony serves beer! which makes it all the more fun. I can tell you that I’ll be there in November to see V for Vendetta a fourth time in the theatre. (Also this.)

Here’s us in front of the marquee. See, proof that they really were showing The Dark Crystal! You can see more pictures at Cristin’s post.

I liked the movie. I still think it’s too creepy and macabre for youngsters, and I think I was probably too young when I watched, but I liked it. And I think I know now why my brother liked it so much. I think it was the utter imagination of the whole thing, and the ballsy-ness it took to make a somewhat dramatic movie using no live actors.

I thought that the inspirations for many of the creatures were found in nature. Cristin says the Podlings were based on potatoes! The Garthim seem very much like more-mobile horseshoe crabs. There were many creatures (plants or animals, I don’t know) that seemed very inspired by coral reef denizens: the little delicate ferns that would withdraw at the slightest touch, the anemone that scuttle out of the way on the cliffside. I’d love to hear/read more on that topic.

Anyway, it was super enjoyable and I had a super great time. Yay for new friends and old movies!


Filed under: While Driving — JeniQ @ 11:05 am

Look what I saw on the way to dinner!! Read the previous post about this license plate.

June 20, 2007

First Date!

Filed under: Friends,Movies,Personal/Health — JeniQ @ 3:56 pm
OK, it’s not really a date, but I’m excited anyway! I’m getting together with Cristin to have dinner and watch The Dark Crystal this evening.

I straightened my hair and dressed nice. Well, the latter was mostly because I have a training at work today, but that was convenient, wasn’t it? My hair is so unruly when it’s not straightened, I did not want to frighten her. Of course, it’s raining so it’s already starting to warp. It was stick-straight when I left the house this morning. My hair is incorrigible!

Hehe, you can see my balance ball in the background – that’s my normal chair here in my office.

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