I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

May 4, 2007


Filed under: Technology — JeniQ @ 8:29 pm
Dave let me play with his new Blackberry. Here I am, checking my Gmail, while riding in a car on 75 in Dallas.

Holy shit, I’m in love!! I want one!!

Sweet Skate Update

Filed under: Roller Skating — JeniQ @ 8:04 pm
I finally went to First Thursday at the Skate Ranch last night. Frankly, I wouldn’t recommend it. I love skating, and I love the people, but there were too many people and too much hostility. About a third of the people had no idea what they were doing and were a danger to themselves, a third of the people were “Wild Boyz” and were a danger to everyone else, and the rest of us were decent skaters attempting to avoid all the targets. There were a number of security guards and I saw them more than once interrupting a “situation” that was developing. There was also some tension between some of the groups of skaters on the rink. To cap it all off, I had a run-in with this very rude guy who was awful to me.

However, the Smooth Divas were there and they were all dressed in hot pink T-shirts, just like me! They treated me like a sister and I love them for that. I even skated along behind them, on their coattails you could say, and felt like one of the group. Jeff’s girl Latoya was there and I was so glad to meet her – she’s a really nice girl and easy to talk to. Bobby was there, of course, and he was tearing it up as usual, falling all over the place cuz he’s not afraid to try. King was there and was so nice to me. I love to watch him skate. I also got to see Willie, which was nice because he wasn’t there last Sunday. All in all, I had a good time and I was glad I went because I’m not sure if I’ll be able to go on Sunday, but I won’t go back for First Thursday again, I don’t think.

But here’s the best part. I bought new laces for my boots!!

Here’s the “before” picture:

Here’s the “after” picture:
Sweet, huh?

My life has changed

Filed under: Personal/Health — JeniQ @ 12:08 pm
My life has taken a turn. Dave got his Blackberry this week. I hope it doesn’t change our lives too much.

Isn’t it pretty?

Filed under: Alcohol,Art — JeniQ @ 12:06 pm

May 2, 2007

Ikea Table

Filed under: Decorating,Shopping — JeniQ @ 3:01 am

We bought a coffee table at Ikea!! Check it out.

Our fancy coffee table that is perfect for jigsaw puzzles came in a big flat cardboard box!! We haven’t gotten a cat in the lower part of the table yet…

The chicks have fledged!

Filed under: Birds — JeniQ @ 2:47 am

This morning, the chicks looked especially big!

They were even peering out the front door of the nest.
At 5:30, I got home to discover this empty (filthy) nest – they had all fledged!!!!
So, that’s it for the first clutch from our bluebird parents. We’ll post more if/when they have another clutch of eggs. I think they can have up to three a year!

DC Trip – Photos 6

Filed under: Art,Travel — JeniQ @ 2:27 am

Here are my “arty” photos – I think these are pretty.

DC Trip – Photos 5

Filed under: Travel — JeniQ @ 2:11 am

After breakfast at Ikea and three hours of shopping on Sunday morning, we visited the National Museum of the Marine Corps at Quantico. This museum is very new (2006) and is very beautiful. The exhibits are really well done, lots of ships and interesting things to look at.

I think that the exterior of the museum resembles the hoisting of the flag at Iwo Jima, in an abstract way. That’s what I thought the first time I glanced at the monument from the highway. If you get a chance to visit this museum, see it from the outside at night – it’s all lit up and beautiful!

Dave in the main gallery.
I thought this was a very moving piece.
This is the actual flag raised by the Marines at Iwo Jima – how cool is that??

DC Trip – Photos 4

Filed under: Travel — JeniQ @ 2:01 am

After the boat trip, we walked around Q street and had a bite to eat and some beer at the Brickskeller.

We saw the White House.
We saw the Colombian Embassy.
We saw Q Street!
Tulips were blooming everywhere in the city!

DC Trip – Photos 3

Filed under: Love,Travel — JeniQ @ 1:43 am

Here are photos from Fred and Debbie’s wedding reception cruise. We sailed on the Celebrity Yacht from the Washington Marina – it was fabulous!!
Aren’t these chocolates cute?! The M&M’s say “Fred Rules” and “Debbie Rocks.”
The happy couple, Debbie and Fred! We are so happy for them!
Fort Washington
On our way to the marina, we happened upon a few cherry trees and took an opportune photo!

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