I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

April 1, 2007

Saturday Birthday Beers

Filed under: Alcohol,Small World — JeniQ @ 5:45 pm

I went to Ele’s for beers on Saturday afternoon after I took a 2.3 mile powerwalk with Tyra.

It was Will’s birthday and his father William’s birthday. William and his wife Joyce knew me when I was a little kid, living in Independence, Virginia. You may remember Will and I figuring out our shared past from this post.

This was my chance to re-meet William and Joyce. Of course, I don’t remember them at all, my memory is so bad. I’m so glad I got to see them and meet them, they’re such sweet people.

Here’s us at Will and Ele’s.
Happy Birthday Will and William!

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