I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

April 16, 2007

Walking Report: Week 4

Filed under: Exercise — JeniQ @ 1:33 pm

Pretty good.

Monday – 20 minutes with Dave after work.
Tuesday – 15 minutes after work.
Wednesday – I skipped yoga but I did take a 15 minute walk.
Thursday – Mmm, no.
Friday – Nope.
Saturday – No walking. We worked in the yard for a few hours, digging holes and moving dirt. A fair amount of exercise.
Sunday – No walking. Three hours of rollerskating. I almost impressed myself – I’m getting better!

Sunday Night Bird TV

Filed under: Birds,Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 1:55 am

On Sunday night, Mom and Gene came over for chili dinner with Dave and his dad. Here we are, five grown adults, obsessively watching “Bird TV” after dinner.

The baby chicks are doing well.

April 15, 2007

Saturday Project: Azaleas and Bird Bed

Filed under: Birds,Landscaping — JeniQ @ 7:36 pm

Dave’s Dad arrived on Saturday afternoon, and we put him right to work when he got here!

We had a rather big project but it went fairly smoothly. We started around 4 and finished up around 6:30 PM.

We have a fairly extensive bird feeder system out back of our house, and the azalea bushes below the feeders were getting covered in bird poop. We also had some of the bird seed spouting in the mulch under the bushes which we always had to pull out by hand. It was annoying and didn’t look very good, so we decided to relocate the azalea bushes to a different part of the bed.

Here’s what they look like in their new location:

We had to take several breaks during the transplanting process so that the bluebird mommy and daddy could come back to the bluebird house and feed the babies.

After we moved the azalea bushes, we filled in the holes where they were and covered the area with gravel. We’re hoping the multicolored gravel will hide the bird poop better and prevent the seeds from being able to germinate. Later this week, we’re going to get more mulch and pretty it up a bit so it doesn’t look so severe.

We’re parents!

Filed under: Birds — JeniQ @ 1:21 am
Ok, so, we’re like god-parents, really. Our bluebird eggs hatched! It looks like we have all 6 chicks, though it’s really hard to tell on the TV screen.
They are, in egg-layed order: Eggbert, Carl, Valerie, Umit, Zowie and Broccoli.

They are really ugly, aren’t they?

Check out the eyebrows on Umit…More updates as they happen!

April 14, 2007

I Passed!

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 3:35 pm

I can’t believe it – I went to take my Microsoft Exam this morning and I passed! I’m now a Microsoft Certified Professional.

I took the Supporting Users and Troubleshooting a Microsoft Windows XP Operating System exam. It’s part one of two for the Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician on Windows XP certification.
I’ve never had any formal training with computers, so it’s nice to actually have something on paper.

Custom Combat Boot Quad Roller Skates!

Filed under: Roller Skating — JeniQ @ 12:51 am
I sent my jump boots off to have them turned into skates on 4/6. Here’s what they looked like when they left.

I just got them today! Here’s how they look now – sahweet!

Black Sunlite nylong plates, green and black Hyper Cosmic wheels and China Bones Reds bearings. Phat!
I can’t wait for Sunday night now that I’ve got my own skates!

April 13, 2007

OMG – Ed Beals commented on my blog!

Filed under: Celebs,Media,Small World — JeniQ @ 2:59 am
Wow! Ed Beals commented on my blog. I haven’t been this excited since Simon Prebble didn’t comment on my blog!

Don’t know who Ed Beals is? You should!

I fell in love with Ed, or more accurately, with Plickey + Muto, about 6 years ago. I discovered the Plickey + Muto videos killing time when I worked at Microsoft. I laughed, I cried; I was definitely in love. Muto is just so sweet. He’s loyal and sensitive. When he sighs, I just about lose it – I want to reach out and pet him, offer him comfort. Not bad for a pair of antique surgical scissors.

My friend Adam got me the boxer shorts off CafePress and I made a CD with the SWF files I downloaded off the web. I made one copy for me and one for my friend Adam. Ed, I hope you don’t mind! I just needed to be able to watch the videos whenever I wanted. [Speaking of, the links from your page don’t actually seem to link to the vids, or I’m doing something wrong.]
And here’s our own Plickey and Muto. They’ve been in the family for about as long. That’s Plickey on the left.

April 12, 2007

A Mystery, Read by Simon Prebble?

Filed under: Simon Prebble,Small World — JeniQ @ 1:51 am

So, this is weird and strange and all coinkydental.

On March 18th, I posted a blog about Simon Prebble. I attempted to find contact information online, but was not successful. He has no home page, and he’s not obviously reachable through any of the audio book companies that he’s worked for. I was sad, because I wanted to say Hello.

Then I had a genius idea – I had all his old letters, so I could try sending a card to his old address. Yes, the address is over 10 years old, but heck, you never know, do you? So I wrote out a nice card and placed it in the mail on March 27th, a Tuesday.

I kept expecting it to be returned in the mail, but it had not been returned by Friday so I was getting hopeful. Then, on Monday, April 2nd, I got an anonymous post on my blog that just said

Newton’s Cradle…it’s true

I was ecstatic!! He got my card! He followed the link I included! He answered my Wikiality question! Sure, it was an anonymous post, but the timing, the answered question: it was obviously him.

You might imagine my disappointment/confusion/puzzlement then, when on April 4th I received my letter, returned in the mail.
Who was that mystery poster?

April 11, 2007

Visual DNA

Filed under: Art — JeniQ @ 5:38 pm

This is super fun, thanks to Jenny for this. I think I like my choices.

Read my VisualDNA Get your own VisualDNA™

April 10, 2007

Healthy Dinners

Filed under: Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 10:16 am

I’ve been trying to get away from meat as the center focus of our meals, and one way to do that is to use fish instead. Not always the easiest ingredient to have on hand, I’ve been working on incorporating packaged tuna into dinners.

Here are two recent meals using packaged tuna. I think they were both pretty good.

Tuna mixed with a mixture of olive oil and sesame oil, soy sauce, sesame seeds and salt and pepper, served on a bed of lettuce on top of chopped chilled whole wheat fettucini. I added fresh avocado slices to make it extra tasty. I steamed some baby bok choy and broccoli and tossed it with olive oil and lemon juice. It was yummy!

This is tuna mixed with diced pear and apple, seasoned with a mix of sugar, cayenne and curry. To balance, I steamed/sauteed red potatoes and sliced squash and zuchinni with rosemary and topped with parmesan cheese. Fresh sliced tomatoes and a piece of toasted bread rounded this meal out.

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