I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

April 13, 2007

OMG – Ed Beals commented on my blog!

Filed under: Celebs,Media,Small World — JeniQ @ 2:59 am
Wow! Ed Beals commented on my blog. I haven’t been this excited since Simon Prebble didn’t comment on my blog!

Don’t know who Ed Beals is? You should!

I fell in love with Ed, or more accurately, with Plickey + Muto, about 6 years ago. I discovered the Plickey + Muto videos killing time when I worked at Microsoft. I laughed, I cried; I was definitely in love. Muto is just so sweet. He’s loyal and sensitive. When he sighs, I just about lose it – I want to reach out and pet him, offer him comfort. Not bad for a pair of antique surgical scissors.

My friend Adam got me the boxer shorts off CafePress and I made a CD with the SWF files I downloaded off the web. I made one copy for me and one for my friend Adam. Ed, I hope you don’t mind! I just needed to be able to watch the videos whenever I wanted. [Speaking of, the links from your page don’t actually seem to link to the vids, or I’m doing something wrong.]
And here’s our own Plickey and Muto. They’ve been in the family for about as long. That’s Plickey on the left.


  1. Cool, but what is Plicky doing to Muto?

    heh heh

    Comment by — April 13, 2007 @ 11:38 am

  2. Righteous.

    Comment by — April 13, 2007 @ 3:31 pm

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