I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

March 2, 2007

Yoga at Work

Filed under: Exercise — JeniQ @ 6:25 pm

On Friday, I hosted an hour-long stretching session for the employees at my company. I had four people show up and we focuesed on back and shoulder stretches primarily. It was really nice. They really enjoyed it and they clapped at the end! 🙂

Cafe Kado

Filed under: Restaurants — JeniQ @ 2:13 pm

A nice little coffee shop around the corner from my office. They have your standard coffee drinks plus Pocky, edamame and wakeme salad. The service is a bit slow but it’s a nice, family-owned store and I like being able to get a decent vegetable for lunch.

Wonderful Massage!!

Filed under: Dogs — JeniQ @ 2:04 am

I had a wonderful massage tonight! I went to see Laura Landsiedel at Hands on Health because my back has been sore since our trip to Chicago in September. I like to see Meridith normally, but she wasn’t available (sorry Meri!) so I made an appointment with Laura because I know she rocks!

I had forgotten that Tuesdays and Thursdays offer a special treat at Hands on Health – Mocha accompanies Laura on all her visits! I hadn’t met Mocha before so it was great! What a sweet dog, so calm and loving and soft to pet!!

I had a great massage, a nice deep tissue, medical massage that I think really relaxed my back muscles. I am hoping I’m cured, or nearly there.

Mocha spent the entire session lying quietly at the foot of the bed, looking much like this:
If you’re looking for a massage therapist, go see Meridith or Laura!

Dos Taquitos in Dos Semanas

Filed under: Alcohol,Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 1:57 am
Mom and I went to a seminar on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome at The Carolina Center for Integrative Medicine. It was very interesting and I think Mom might go to see him. If he could make her feel better, I just don’t know what we’d do.

We went to dinner at Dos Taquitos! Yummy!!!

Steak Empenadas with Mango Salsa

Hiroe, I found a place that serves Hot Wine – sorry we missed this when you were here!

March 1, 2007

Good Human

Filed under: Exercise — JeniQ @ 8:36 pm

My co-worker Jan and I just walked up and down our three-story stairwell 5 times!

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