I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

March 15, 2007

Tuesday Dinner

Filed under: Restaurants,Tyra — JeniQ @ 2:14 am

Dinner again with Tyra on Tuesday, this time at Shaba Shabu. Yummy!!

March 12, 2007

My ring!

Filed under: Alba,Gifties — JeniQ @ 7:50 pm

I finally got my ring! I am so flippin’ excited! You may have read my earlier post about the stone and the ring. Well, it took several tries to find the right setting, but we finally figured it out.

Alba, thank you, thank you, thank you!

March 11, 2007

Dinner at Isle of Capri

Filed under: Granma,Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 12:57 am

We didn’t plan to compete with high schoolers at dinner but tonight was Ring Dance. I don’t even know what that is. There were at least three big parties of high school students out on the town at Isle of Capri tonight. Look at this cute group!
They laughed that their picture would appear on the internet. Little did they know! 😉

Dave and Granma sharing a laugh.

Later, back at home, Granma and Jeni having cocktails watching Il Divo.

Maggie chills out at home.

March 10, 2007


Filed under: Death,Granma — JeniQ @ 9:10 pm

Today we went to visit the masoleum of my grandfather and great-grandmother. We stopped and got some Gerber daisies to leave on their graves.

Over the river and through the woods…

Filed under: Granma,Travel — JeniQ @ 2:00 pm

To Grandmother’s house we go! We left after work and arrived late last night, then had to go fetch some friends at the airport who Granma had promised she would pick up and take home.

Today we plan to hang out and catch up, and then maybe we’ll have a nice dinner out at her favorite restaurant, The Isle Of Capri. We go early and always get a window seat so we can watch the ocean.

We haven’t seen Granma since early last fall, though I can’t rememer exactly when it was we saw her. We missed her at both holidays because we went to Portland with my mom to visit my brother and his family for Thanksgiving, and then Granma went to Portland for Christmas. Like two ships passing in the night.

It was Dave who finally got us up here for the weekend. Yay Dave!! He’s so good to my family, it’s crazy. I’m starting to think Granma likes him more than she likes me. 😉

March 7, 2007

Will & Ele & J. Betski’s

Filed under: Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 3:12 am

Another lovely dinner with Will and Ele, this time at J. Betski’s, a new German/Polish place at Seaboard. I liked my schnitzel (think chicken-fried steak) and I loved the sauerkraut and keilbasa appetizer! Dave thought his pork shoulder was little too fatty, and he never agrees with me that more fat equals more flavor.

I think I talked Ele’s ear off, too. 🙂 We talked about food, weight, exercise, crazy parents, and lots of other good stuff. I really like them. They’re nice, genuine people.

I also learned a trick from Will about how Ele always gets these nice pictures in restaurants. They put a white napkin over the flash – it lowers the brightness but still allows you to get a crisp shot. We had yellowish napkins so all our shots came out with a bit of a funny color.
With this picture, Dave used a white cocktail napkin – much better results!

March 5, 2007


Filed under: Roller Skating — JeniQ @ 1:32 pm

Sunday night is Adult Skate at the Skate Ranch. I went early for a meeting with the Carolina Cruisers. I can’t remember belonging to a club where I had to pay monthly dues – it’s weird. I don’t think I’ll do it forever, but I did order a shirt (hot pink!) so I guess I’m kinda committed.

After the meeting we started skating. I decided I was tired of paying for skate rental, and the rental skates sorta suck anyway, so I brought my inline skates. I was one of two people on inline skates – it’s so not cool. But, it was $5 cheaper.

Inline skates are really different than roller skates. It would be impossible to do the tricks and stunts that they do on quad skates on inline skates.

I found out that you can get pretty much any shoes made into skates! Lots of people have boots (like combat boots) made into skates. They leave them untied, with the tongue hanging out and the sides of the boots folded down. I have no idea how they do it, but I think they must rig the inside to tie tight around their foot, otherwise the skate would come flying off! I am inspired – I want to be the first person on the rink with a pair of Dansko’s made into skates!! We’ll have to see how cheap I can get some Dansko’s. Before I go down that road, however, I want to see if I can still wear my combat boots – they have a slick, dress sole so they are dangerous to walk in. I never got much use from them other than looking cute in short skirts. If they fit well enough, I might just have them made. I don’t know how much it costs to have skates drilled on, but skate rental is $5 a night so it should even out fairly quickly.

Anyway, I had a really nice time and skated until just past 10. I really like the people, they’re very nice and genuine. I’m going to stick around!

March 4, 2007

New Hummingbird Feeder

Filed under: Birds,Granma — JeniQ @ 9:03 pm

Granma knows how much we love the birds, so she got us this amazing hummingbird feeder for Christmas. She loves to spoil Dave!

You can’t imagine how heavy this sucker is, really. We hung it on the front porch because we were worried about wind in the backyard. Now, we just need some hummers to show up!

Goofy Kitties

Filed under: Cats — JeniQ @ 5:30 pm

My cat Cayce loves to hunt mice in boxes.

Colombian Scrapbook – Finished!

Filed under: Crafty — JeniQ @ 4:37 pm

I feel like Ele. It’s been just over 12 months and I finally finished my scrapbook from my trip to Colombia in February 2006.

It’s so strange. I can remember it like it was yesterday, but it also feels years away. It’s hard to believe it’s only been 12 months. I’m so sad I haven’t been able to see my friend Alba since then. I wish she could move to the states. We have such a good time together. I wish I could go back to Colombia and explore more of the country with her, and I wish I could take Dave and show him everything I saw while I was there. *Sigh*

At least I have these great pictures to look back on!

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