I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

March 25, 2007

Harvesting Worm Bins

Filed under: Worm Bin — JeniQ @ 2:24 pm

Saturday I spent about 7 hours harvesting my worm bins. I tried out the new harvester-screener that Sean and I had built. Here are my thoughts about the screener:

  • Castings need to be fairly dry for this to work well. I found I could achieve a good level of dryness by leaving the bins out in the sun for a little while before screening them.
  • The outside dimension of the screener was good because it fit nicely over the Rubbermaid collection tub.
  • I would like a smaller screening area. The wide screening area provided just too much room and seemed to make a larger mess.
  • I would like higher sides – again, I found myself making a mess because worm dirt kept bouncing over the sides when I shook the screener.

Sean found that the screener worked pretty well, but I think part of the reason is that he doesn’t give the worms as much “challenging” food as I do. I had plenty of undigested paperboard, squash seeds, and the woody parts of vegetables.

The other part of this story is that I decided, once I got started, that the best way to tackle my fruit fly infestation would be to start my bins over. So, I needed to separate my worms from everything, not just the castings.

I wound up with about two pounds of recovered worms from all my bins plus one pound of worms for Jenny. That doesn’t count all the worms that didn’t get separated. I have an 18 gallon Rubbermaid that is about 1/3 full of beautiful, rich castings, and another 18 gallon Rubbermaid that is about half full of partially composted food and who knows how many worms. Lastly, I have a small kitchen garbage bag about half full of partially composted food, lots of shredded paper, and more unharvested worms. I am hoping that Jenny can take this bag because I think she has a compost pile. Otherwise, it goes in the trash.

Once I harvested everything, I used the hose to pressure wash all of the parts of the bins very well. I started two new bins with lots of newly shredded, fluffy paper and half of the worms in each bin. I started both my Worm Factory bin and the OSCR Jr style bin.


  1. Poor little butt bones!

    The worms are in their new home bin, with fresh newspaper and some water I misted on to them. They are in the crawl space for now, which is totally dark and should be cool as well.

    I composted the kitchen bag plus the smelly canteloupe, so we’re good on that part of things.

    THANKS JENIQ!!!!!!


    Comment by — March 25, 2007 @ 6:00 pm

  2. Regarding the sides not being high enough… you could pick up two more $1.15 fence rails and screw them to the existing ones. That should give you 4 inches of casting sifting goodness šŸ˜‰

    I too found that some of the castings jumped outta the sifter but it wasn’t enough to alarm me. Maybe next time I harvest, I’ll survey a bit more and see if higher sides would suit me better as well

    Comment by — March 25, 2007 @ 7:13 pm

  3. It should be stated that I can make a mess out of anything, so I’m not surprised if your experience was different from mine. I’m a messy girl!

    Comment by — March 25, 2007 @ 9:28 pm

  4. “Iā€™m a messy girl”perhaps but you get right in there and get things done.

    Comment by Jerald Walker — January 8, 2008 @ 9:16 am

  5. Jenq, I love your blog, thanks for showing it to the world. You harvest a lot like I do, except that I dont have a screen. Sometimes I can get 6 0r 7 pounds a day wiped out. I have most of my worms under my rabbit cages,
    and I sell them as a means of supplementing my S.S.income.
    The butt bones comment really rang my bell, I knew exactly how you were feeling ! Hope everything goes well for you, Audrey

    Comment by Audrey Warren — February 8, 2008 @ 8:40 am

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