I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

March 31, 2007

Cayce’s Biopsy

Filed under: Cats — JeniQ @ 4:34 pm
Good news! Cayce’s tumor was a unusual microbacterial infection, not a cancerous tumor. Woot!

Bird Nest Update – Six Eggs!!!

Filed under: Birds — JeniQ @ 2:20 pm

Wow, she’s really going at it!! I’m going to take this as a compliment that we keep our birds really well fed.

On Friday we discovered the fourth egg, Umit.

Saturday morning at 8 AM we discovered Zowie (no picture) and Saturday at 10 AM there was one more, Broccoli. Six total!

Momma bird giving a look.

In case you wanted to see what the camera looks like.


Filed under: Personal/Health — JeniQ @ 1:53 pm

That is a piece of me, a sample of a mole that my dermatologist sawed off.

Here are all three of the samples she took. She had asked me last summer to come in for a mole check, and I put it off becuase I am lazy. Besides, I was sure that nothing could be wrong with my moles. I needed to have her re-evaluate my acne medicine so I finally made the appointment for the mole check this past Thursday.

It wasn’t a big deal, you get mostly naked and she systematically checks almost every square inch of your body, deciding whether your moles are OK or not.

I was very surprised when she flagged three of my moles as suspicious. She gave me an injection of lidocaine at each mole, then waited about 10 minutes before coming back to slice off a sample at each site. No sweat, though they’re each still a little sensitive today. I’m keeping them covered by band-aids and using neosporin so they heal quickly and don’t get infected.

Have you had your moles checked?

Is it really hip to be square?

Filed under: While Driving — JeniQ @ 1:44 pm
Saw this on the highway – very speedy little chap, so it was hard to snap the photo.

March 29, 2007

iLove it!

Filed under: Music,Technology — JeniQ @ 11:21 am

I got a free iPod Shuffle from a vendor at work. W00t!
It’s on the teeny ones with a built-in clip. It’s adorably tiny.

I’m still trying to figure out how to use this damn, non-intuitive iTunes software, but I’m delighted. I’ve never had an MP3 player before.

UPDATE: I’m a little disappointed to discover that I can’t import my *.flac files into iTunes. That means I need to convert my flac files to either MP3 or ALAC format, which means duplicate files of all the music I want to put onto my iPod, which is kinda silly, but disk space is cheap, I guess.
Still, I loved being able to listen to my book while waiting in the doctor’s office yesterday!

Bird Nest Update – Three Eggs!

Filed under: Birds — JeniQ @ 11:05 am

On Tuesday after work, we had two eggs. Meet Carl.

On Wednesday night we had three eggs. Meet Valerie.

March 28, 2007

Update: Made for Walking

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 2:14 pm

I’ve updated this post – you must check it out: http://jeniq.blogspot.com/2007/03/made-for-walking.html

Dead at last

Filed under: Dead Like Me — JeniQ @ 2:10 am

So, tonight I finally finished the last of Dead Like Me. What a great show. I love Mandy Patinkin, Ellen Muth, and Callum Blue. The characters are so true and the mythology is so interesting. One of my all-time favorite shows ever.

March 27, 2007

Helloooo Birdie!

Filed under: Birds — JeniQ @ 4:22 pm
We got home last night and switched on the TV to see if momma bird was home – we were stunned at what we saw.

I think that the bluebird will lay an egg a day for 3-5 days until she has her entire clutch, then she’ll start incubating them. This is so cool! Dave named the first egg “Eggbert,” naturally.

So flippin’ cool.

Here’s momma bird peeking her head out of her house.

Sunday Evening Cookout with the Neighbors

Filed under: Friends,Party — JeniQ @ 4:10 pm

Bernie and Paul came over and so did David and Lisa, who brought her grandparents. They were adorable! We grilled out chicken and shrimp, and Bernie and Paul brought baked beans and sugar peas. We had a really nice time, talking and talking after dinner, and Dave served up the Carrot Cake, which was a big hit, too.

Lisa’s grandfather couldn’t figure out why Bernie and Paul lived in the same house. Heh.

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