I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

January 12, 2007

Poll for all you marrieds out there

Filed under: Love — JeniQ @ 2:01 pm

Ok, this isn’t just for married people. If you think you might get married in the future, you might have an opinion on this too. It’s a quick and easy poll, just post a comment and let me know what you think.

If you’re married, do you leave your wedding ring (not your engagement ring, ladies) on all the time, or do you take it off sometimes? If you take it off, what for?

Jeni: I never take off my wedding ring.

Dave: Dave takes off his wedding ring at night or whenever he’s cooking or washing the dishes.

Can’t wait to see what everyone says!

January 11, 2007


Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 2:20 pm

Today I cancelled my Pottery Barn Kids catalog, the Crate and Barrel catalog, and the mailers I get from TEAM in Training. I am loving this. It’s going to be great to cut down on the stuff we don’t need, though that means that most of the remaining mail will be bills, which is always sad.

January 10, 2007

Shoes, anyone?

Filed under: Shopping — JeniQ @ 1:32 am

I listed some used Danskos on Ebay. They were the wrong size. Don’t get too grossed out, they have new insoles so they’re not funky.

I love my Danskos. I have 4 pairs. I want more, so I’m selling this pair.

I hope someone buys them!

January 8, 2007

Happy Belated Birthday!

Filed under: Birthday,David Bowie — JeniQ @ 2:34 pm

It’s hard to believe he’s 60. Makes me a little sad, because the older he gets, the chances that I get to meet and greet with him get ever smaller. *sigh*

January 7, 2007

Worm Farming Advice

Filed under: Worm Bin — JeniQ @ 2:51 pm

Here’s a letter I wrote to someone who was interested in getting started with vermicomposting. I thought I did a pretty good job, so I thought I’d post it.

Vermicomposting, if you don’t know, is composting with worms. It’s sort of like traditional back yard composting, but it’s different in that it’s done on a much smaller scale and the primary composter are red worms, not time and sunlight. Vermicomposting is ideal for apartment dwellers and those with limited space. Mostly we compost kitchen waste because we don’t have yard waste like grass clippings or fall leaves.


You’ll probably want to read a book to get started. I read “Worms Eat My Garbage” which you can probably find at the local library, or you can pick it up for cheap online. However, there are other books out there that are probably just as good.

Another great resource is the Worm Bin Board, a Yahoo! group. You can join the group easily, you just need a Yahoo! account. Here’s the link:
You can begin with lurking just to start learning bits and pieces, and ask questions whenever you want. I suggest subscribing to the Digest email so that you can stay in touch but don’t get swamped with email. There are many, many archived posts on this bin and chances are, most questions you want to ask have already been asked and answered.

Here’s another forum that’s pretty good but it doesn’t have as robust of email options:

Lastly, this is a very helpful page so you’ll want to bookmark it:

Bin Construction

Next, you’ll need to design and create your worm bin. The simplest method is to purchase a single rubbermaid bin (with no holes for drainage) and use it alone. I wouldn’t recommend this because if you like worming, you’re going to want something a little bit better in a fairly short amount of time.

The next step up is a simple rubbermaid with a few holes for drainage and a catch bin beneath. The more complex version of this is to use two nested rubbermaid bins with a rubbermaid catch bin underneath. That’s what I have. Here’s a description I posted recently to the Worm Bin Board:

“Basically, I have two bins, a finishing bin and a working bin. They nest because they are the exact same rubbermaid model. Each of these two bins has a ton of small holes drilled in the bottom and just along the bottom of the sides. The bins are exactly alike – the “finishing bin” is the one on the bottom and the “working bin” is the one on the top. These bins both have large holes that are along the top edges of the sides for ventilation. I also have a third Rubbermaid bin, again the exact same model, that serves as the catch bin. Inside it, I have drilled much larger holes high up on the sides for ventilation. The bottom is solid because this is where leachate gathers. I used to drop the stacked bins right into this bin, but I found that there wasn’t enough space for air to circulate, so I put two plastic flower containers upside down in the bottom of the catch bin and now the finishing/working bins rest on them. They just happened to be the right height for what I wanted -you could use anything.”

Here is a more complex version of the Rubbermaid bin, it’s called the OSCR Jr: http://www.klickitatcounty.org/solidwaste/ContentROne.asp?fContentIdSelected=483736526&fCategoryIdSelected=965105457
This is what I modeled my bin after, but I didn’t put in a spigot or make the fancy top.

One last option would be to buy a premade bin. I have the Worm Factory:
I got mine from Worms Wrangler, but I can’t remember why I chose that vendor. You can get them from any number of online stores. I bought a 5 bin system but I’d recommend either the 3 or the 4 – I don’t think 5 is really feasible.


You’ll need some paper for bedding. You can use paper from your home, shredded in a mechanical shredder or shredded by hand. We use old bank statements and old bills and toss them in the shredder. You can also use newspapers and junk mail, shredded by hand or in a shredder. Toss in shredded cereal boxes and other paperboard or cardboard, too. Avoid shiny paper, waxy coatings, staples, thermal paper, etc. You will want to have some shredded paper in the bin prior to worm arrival. This is discussed in detail in the book I recommended.


Vegetables, fruits, coffee, tea, egg shells, paper towels, cat/dog/human hair (tho it takes forever to break down), cotton-based dryer lint. No oils or grease, meat, bones, cheese, or dairy and go easy on citrus, grains, and acidic foods.


If you’re local, I will gladly hook you up with some starter worms. If you’re not, there are numerous places online from which to buy worms, and there is probably a local worm farmer where you live.

January 5, 2007

My New Year’s Resolutions

Filed under: Holidays — JeniQ @ 12:02 pm

By and by, New Year’s resolutions are kinda stupid and clearly ineffectual for most of the population, so I don’t know why I even bother, but here I am, anyway, making 4 resolutions for 2007.

1. Eat more vegetables. Dave’s response to this was “Even more vegetables?!” but I really don’t think we eat enough veggies. Fruit’s no problem, and we eat plenty of meat, lord knows, but we need to figure out how to add more vegetables during snack times and at breakfast.

2. Be nicer to my boss. Or rather, figure out a better, more effective way to communicate. I know there’s a trick to getting the most out of him, but I keep responding with my gut reaction, which is not the most effective.

3. See our friends more. We tend to stay at home a lot, or if we go out to dinner, we don’t think to call and invite our friends. It seems we still struggle to get enough “us time” even though we don’t have very much committed “friend time.” Yesterday, I mentioned via e-mail to a friend that I wanted to go check out Tasca Brava with him, his wife and his wife’s parents who live out of town. The parents were still in town for the holiday so we ended up going last night!

4. Cut down our junk mail. I’m going to start contacting credit card companies and catalogs so that they’ll stop sending junk mail our way. I’ve already contacted Restoration Hardware, Capital One, and GO Magazine.

Last year, my half-hearted resolution was to use a recipe from every cookbook I owned. I half accomplished it. What are your resolutions?

January 4, 2007

5 Things Meme

Filed under: Blogging — JeniQ @ 2:26 pm

OK, I was inspired by Ele’s post to reveal five things about me that you may not have known. I guess it’s hard to stay away from embarrassing things, but I’m going to try. 🙂

1. Prison Love Story
The year I graduated from college, I found a job teaching Adult Literacy for a few hours a week at the local jail. One of the inmates in my class was a bank robber. His name was Drew. He was the only intelligent, articulate person in my class, and he was my “trustee,” an inmate who got to help run the class. He wasn’t bad looking, either. We would spend 15 minutes talking on the phone together every Saturday, until he got shipped off to the State Penitentiary. One day, I kissed him! It was a very brief, very Jr. High-thing but it was so crazy stupid to do. I still keep a picture of him to this day, just in case anything fishy every happens. Hmm, he had a five year sentence so he should have been out now for about 5 years unless he shived someone at the State Penn….

2. Lack of Indoor Plumbing
I, too, lacked indoor plumbing for a period of time when I was a kid. My dad and brother and I moved out to a house on the top of a mountain outside of Independence, Virginia. The house was just a shell, and it took a while to make it livable. Until then, we took a little shovel and a roll of toilet paper off into the woods with us. During the day we’d fill up a raft with water to let it heat in the sun for baths, or we’d boil water and fill up our enormous shop vac – I was young so I fit in it nicely. I know I’ve got some photos around here somewhere…

3. Lasting Effects
When I was 18, I had the briefest of affairs with my boyfriend’s 30-year-old brother. I found out a few years ago that my boyfriend’s family has still never forgiven the brother for seducing me. Yeah, I really do call it seduction. Try imagining how smart you were at 18 versus 30 – I was stupid at 18. (Let that be a lesson for all you 18-year-olds.)

4. Turned On or Terrified?
John Denver said it turned him on to think of growing old. Not me. I’m terrified. I always have been.

5. Emotional
Some of you know this, I guess, and others may suspect it, but I am really emotional. Here are some of the things that make me cry:

  • Lonely little old men
  • Lonely little old men buying potted meat in the supermarket
  • Veterans
  • Veterans’ Day Parades
  • American Express commercials
  • The trailer for Pursuit of Happyness
  • Someone playing music for me, like these street musicians in Colombia or when Chris played Space Oddity on acoustic guitar for my birthday when I was 17
  • Most movies, especially sappy, sentimental ones

OK, that wasn’t too bad, I guess. Your turn next.

January 1, 2007

New Year’s Eve Photos

Filed under: Holidays — JeniQ @ 1:54 pm

Some great photos of our New Year’s Eve party at Erics.

Mohawk for Baby – Appropriate or Not?

Filed under: Entertainment — JeniQ @ 1:06 pm

Over Christmas we went bowling with all the kids. It was really fun! I even scored well, check it out (but ignore those first two frames):

I also noticed this guy who had a really short Mohawk. I thought it was kind of interesting, so I was staring over at his table when I noticed that a small child in a stroller had the exact same haricut. Like father, like son. What do you think? Isn’t it crazy?!

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