I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

October 22, 2006

Coffee-crusted Pork Tenderloin

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 11:46 pm

Dinner on Saturday was tre yummy!!
I rubbed a pork tenderloin down with fresh ground coffee and pepper mixed with brown sugar and a few other spices, then Dave cooked it on the grill to perfection. I made two vegetable dishes. The first was apples cooked very slowly with red onions in butter, spiced with white pepper. Tastes so lovely, if you’ve never had it, you have no idea! The other dish was parsnips and carrots braised in hard apple cider and maple syrup with cinammon and red pepper. I boiled down the cider/maple syrup into a lovely glaze. It was a really tasty dinner and I was so impressed with myself! 🙂

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