I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

October 5, 2006

Chicago – Fancy Night Out

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 11:02 am

Wednesday night (9/13) we decided to splurge on dinner to officially celebrate our anniversary of 4 years.

So, Dave let me spend an hour geting all dolled up and he looked loverly in his slacks and pressed shirt. I thought I had badgered him into bringing a tie for this fancy dinner but he doesn’t appear to be wearing one, does he?

We walked to this great Irish Pub that was two stories tall and had a boat built into the middle of it. We had a pint and then walked on towards our dinner destination, Wildfire.

We had 8:30 reservations and it was only 7:30 when we arrived. We didn’t check in, we just went to the bar. I decided to save red wine for dinner so I went with a cocktail. My favorite cocktail is one that Dave concocted for me using a recipe in our Playboy Bartender’s Guide. We call it a Gin Sidecar. It’s one third gin, one third couintreau, and one third lemon juice served in a glass with a sugared rim. Most places won’t take the time to conjure fresh lemon juice so I only ask for it at really nice places. I requested it from the bartender and he didn’t bat an eye but whipped one right up for me. It was mighty tasty!

The restaurant was everything you’d expect from an expensive steak place, with dark wood, low lights, and leaded glass, staffed with immaculate servers. The steak was perfect, served with broccoli and potatoes that we split. Yum! No room for dessert, though.

Sated beyond necessity, we headed to a jazz club around the corner where we were entertained by a four-piece jazz ensemble. I thought we were tired when we went to bed the night before, but we were really exhausted at the end of this night!


  1. Wow your husband is tall!

    Comment by — October 6, 2006 @ 4:54 pm

  2. Either that or she is really short 😉


    Comment by — October 19, 2006 @ 1:28 pm

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