I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

August 14, 2006

My Sweetie!

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 9:24 pm

Dave just IM’d me and said that we’re either going to take a bike ride tonight, or go watch a movie. We’re reclaiming those weekday evenings!! I love it!

The Saga Continues

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 8:50 pm

This morning I got a chance to see a planarian eat a worm. Totally disgusting.

#1. Planarian surrounds worm with its entire body. It secrets a digestive enzyme and starts to eat the worm with its mouth, which is located in the middle of its body.

#2. A close-up of the comingled worm and planarian. The worm is not long for this world.

#3. The planarian leaving the scene of the crime.

#4. Is the planarian’s mouth sticking out?

#5. All that’s left of the worm.

August 13, 2006


Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 1:48 pm

Weird, last night there was an Adam-clone at our restaurant. Can you tell which is the real Adam Gates?

Dinner out with Granma

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 1:34 pm

Saturday night Dave, Granma, Mom & Gene went to Angus Barn to celebrate Granma’s birthday. We ate more than we could stand, starting with lots of oysters.

Here’s Granma and me after we’d stuffed ourselves:

Here’s my dinner, the 24-oz T-Bone (or was that 42-oz?)

And here’s the damage I did.

Afterwards we came home and had a fresh pot of coffee, vanilla ice cream, and a fabulous 4 layer cake that Dave made for us. Yummy!


Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 1:27 pm

Is it a dragonfly?

August 11, 2006

Attack of the Planarians

Filed under: Worm Bin — JeniQ @ 1:13 pm

More planarians on the sidewalk when I got to work today!!

We counted about a dozen planarians, ranging in size from baby to 8 inches. What was most intriguing was the behavior of the worms we saw on the sidewalk as well.

Here is a close-up of one of the worms we saw. It doesn’t look like a normal worm to me. It doesn’t seem to have a clitellum. Do you know what species it is?

There were about a half dozen worms that were crawling away from the grass towards the parking lot. They were moving in a very strange manner! They seemed to have a singular focus of getting the hell away from the grass. The best way I can describe their motion and behavior is to say that they were writhing. Several of them managed to pop up off the ground as they twisted and turned their little bodies.
I captured a little bit of bad video of them crawling away, but did not get the full-featured writhing on camera.

What is going on here?

August 10, 2006

Glass Night at the Saucer

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 6:24 pm

Last night, Motsy organized a big group of people to hit the Flying Saucer for glass night. It’s 2 PM the next day and I still have a headache. 🙂

Here’s who David thought were coming, though I don’t know half of these people so I don’t know who all showed up!
Kristi & Shawn, David Mannheim & Alan Wroble, Grace Ueng, Karen Furlong and a bunch of her friends, JoAnn & Todd (maybe), Ed Holloway (maybe) & Linda, Lane Mangum & Jeff Girard, Katrin Burt, Grant Kitchin, Marie Burns and her friend.

Dave and I ended up talking with Beanie, Kandi, Karen and Allison most of the night. We got some good hoppy beers and I got my regular – The Chicken Snack with a side of wing sauce – mmmmmmm!

Good times!

August 9, 2006

Land Planarians

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 9:08 pm

This morning I was coming in to work and saw a worm crawling across the sidewalk. I am into vermiculture, so I did a double-take when it didn’t have a typical worm shape. A closer inspection revealed a worm-farmer’s worst nightmare – a land planarian! GROSS!

This picture shows just how long this planarian is – I photographed my toe for scale cuz I didn’t have my tape measure with me.

Here’s a second planarian, worming his way down the sidwalk.

And here’s a good close up of his head. “Strangely, the planarian’s mouth isn’t on its head but halfway down its belly.”

I found a third planarian inside the building, in a little dessicated pile of planarian slime. Yucky!

August 7, 2006

SRC Night at the Bulls Game

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 7:17 pm

A bunch of people from my company went to see the Durham Bulls play on Saturday night. Fun!

Jeni & Wool E. Bull

View from our seats

More pictures here.

Missing: One Orange Hoodie

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 6:56 pm

My trusty orange hoodie is missing. It looks like this:

Have you seen my hoodie?

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