I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

August 24, 2006

"…bears, oh my!"

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 8:10 pm

Check this out. If you’re not sure what you’re looking at, let me clarify.
It is a very tacky fountain placed in front of a neighbor’s house. Why? I can’t imagine. I know my tastes aren’t for everybody, but I just thought living in this fancy neighborhood meant no cars up on blocks and no tacky bear fountains, too.

Here, maybe you could use a closeup.


  1. That is a travesty. I am so sad for you.

    Comment by — August 25, 2006 @ 2:25 am

  2. It is a travesty, but consider it mostly as the comedic event of the month. On the plus side, it’s really slowed down traffic on our main street. No one can drive by without slowing down to gawk.

    Sadly enough for the homeowner, it will have to come down. It got denied tonight and the homeowner will get a letter very soon.

    Comment by — August 25, 2006 @ 2:32 am

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