I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

August 21, 2006

Rollerderby Queens!

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 4:52 pm

Sunday night we went to the last Carolina Rollergirls event at the Skate Ranch before they move to the Dorton Arena. I couldn’t find anyone who would go with me so I dragged Dave. He’s such a good husband. However, he was very disappointed that there was no beer at the Skate Ranch. When I told him they serve beer at Dorton arena, he actually sounded excited about the possibility of seeing the girls skate again. Teflon Donna’s my new favorite jammer!

I really loved the “girl power” feel of the rollerderby. It made me all emotional to see those girls out there, all different shapes and sizes, flaunting their stuff and having everyone love them for it. I got all misty-eyed. I think there’s got to be some hormonal imbalance there. Anyway, who’s up for a skate party??

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