We’ve been Netflix subscribers for about a year – it was Dave’s Christmas present to me last year. We’ve been really happy with the speed of delivery and the choices available. I have nearly 200 movies in my queue right now!
What we have not been happy with is the sometimes questionable quality of the DVDs we receive. We have had too many movie nights ruined by an unplayable or skipping DVD.
So, I sent an email to Netflix and here’s the thread.
Hello Jennifer,Thanks for your inquiry.I certainly apologize for any difficulties you may have experienced with the quality of our discs. I can assure you our warehouse staff performs an inspection on each and every DVD before it leaves our warehouse, and will scrap those that cannot be cleaned or repaired. We do rely heavily on our customers to notify us of any defects or damages experienced, so we thank you for your feedback. If a movie is not visibly damaged and there have not been any previous reports of problems, we will ship the copy to the next customer.I have passed your comments on to the appropriate department so that they may review their Quality Control procedures.If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. Thanks, LilyanNetflix Customer Service
—–Original Message—–> From: jeniqdickens@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2006 7:43:13 PM> To: customerservice@netflix.com> Subject: DVDs and Mailers: Condition>>> Subject: null> I’m a happy Netflix customer but I’m (not pleasantly) surprised at how> many movies arrived scratched. Some are unplayable but most just skip in> all the important parts. I expect more consistent quality from the DVD’s> I receive from Netflix. It is very disappointing when we line up a movie> with friends on a Saturday night and find that we can’t watch it or we> have to miss the important bits because the DVD refuses to play certain> chapters. I know I have recieved discs that could not possibly have> played perfectly for the person who had the disc before me, so I wonder,> Are these discs being reported as damaged and you’re waiting to see that damage report confirmed by another user, or are they really not being> reported?> I hope that you can find a better way to keep these damaged discs out of> circulation. Thanks.
So, here’s our latest disc, BlackAdder III.