I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

June 2, 2005

Star Wars Conundrum

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 5:50 pm

You know what’s wrong with the Star Wars movies, the concept of the Jedi, the good, the ugly and the Dark Side?

You get a real good sense of how to be a bad Jedi. We’re practically taught that by Palpatine. Use your anger, your agression, your fear. Basically, give way to the parts of us that are anti-enlightenment. However, what we see very little of is how to be a good Jedi. Yes, we see them getting trained to concentrate and hone their fighting skills, but what part of their training is them deciding to be good, not evil. If you fight for the Dark Side by channeling strong negative emotions, how do you fight for the good? (Is it called the Light Side?) Do you think fiercely about happy bunnies in meadows as you’re slicing down the 20-odd Stormtroopers in your way? Surely Jedis fight with agression, fear, and even anger. CERTAINLY Obi-Wan was angry when he cut off three of Anakin’s limbs – why did he not go to the Dark Side?

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