I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

January 26, 2012

Lotso Love

Filed under: Linus,Love — admin @ 10:42 pm

Look who stole my Teddy bear.



September 14, 2009

Seven Years

Filed under: Love — admin @ 8:26 am


Today marks seven years of being married to my amazing husband, Dave. I am deliriously happy with our relationship, and I feel so incredibly lucky to have the fabulous life I have with him.

Babe, I love you. Here’s to many happy returns of the day. xxoxox

October 26, 2008

I [heart] breakfast

Filed under: Love — JeniQ @ 9:07 pm

Look what Dave made for breakfast this morning.

Dave loves me

October 18, 2008

Happy Couple

Filed under: Love — JeniQ @ 2:28 pm

Remember when we went on that date recently? Didn’t we look a handsome couple?


September 14, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Filed under: Love — JeniQ @ 8:55 pm

Today, Dave and I celebrated our 6th anniversary. I sure am happy we tied the knot. Every day I know that my relationship with Dave has made me a better person. I’m also happy because if it weren’t for him, I’m not sure I would have decided to have a baby. I’m so happy we did – it’s a pretty cool experience.

Here’s us then:
Life as it was then…

And now:
Our life today


August 26, 2008

Wedding Photos

Filed under: Love — JeniQ @ 9:15 pm

I LOVED my wedding photographer. If you can’t hire Cristin, please hire Jess.

Here are some wedding photos, inspired by Ele’s recent post.

before the ceremony

somethings funny


gust of wind…

gorgeous girls

newly wedded

bubble tunnel

It’s so lovely to look back on those photos and reminisce. As Ele would say, *le sigh*.

July 13, 2008

Date Night

Filed under: Love,Movies — JeniQ @ 2:15 pm

For Father’s day, Dave and I left Henry at home to go have dinner and watch Iron Man. It was a nice time, and an awesome movie!!

Iron Man!

January 28, 2008


Filed under: Love — JeniQ @ 7:16 am

We finally sent off our engagement gift, so it’s time to post a little “congrats” for Leslie and Vince, who got engaged over the Thanksgiving holiday.

Vince & Leslie

Woot!! Congratulations to the two of you, and we can’t wait to attend your wedding this fall!

Diamond Solitaire

October 12, 2007


Filed under: Blogging,David Bowie,Love — JeniQ @ 7:47 pm

I did it! Go to www.iheartdavids.com. First props go to my favorite Dave. Then there’s my second favorite David.

Read this post to understand why I did it.

August 29, 2007

Farewell to Emma

Filed under: Death,Dogs,Love — JeniQ @ 9:41 pm


My friend Lindsay let me know sad news today. Sweet, sweet Emma lost her battle with a brain tumor.
She was such a sweet dog and I loved her so. When I would visit Lindsay, she would sleep on the bed with me until she got so hot she couldn’t stand it. Sometimes she’d sleep outside my door, protecting me from intruders.
She will be missed by her family, Lindsay, Tim, Max and Fred.




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