I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

July 13, 2008

Durham Bulls & Kerri Farewell

Filed under: Entertainment,Kerri — JeniQ @ 12:46 pm

Near the end of June, we went to a Bulls game with Kerri, Beaney, and my mom. It was a farewell of sorts, as Kerri was moving to Chicago at the very end of June.

Last year we all got together to go to the last Bulls game of the season. It was threatening hard to rain near the end of the work day, and then it actually started raining on our way over to the ball park. We diverted ourselves to the Carolina Ale House at Brier Creek until we knew if the game was on. After one round of beers, we decided to chance it as the game was on with only a short delay. We got there in the second inning and did typical baseball game things – ate hot dogs and nachos and drank beer. Around the fifth inning, it started to get dark again and those people who hadn’t already left yet went scurrying for cover in the tunnels. It poured and poured great big buckets of rain. Once the rain finally let up, the game had been cancelled due to weather. So that’s how the last game of the 2007 season wrapped up.

Our June date with Kerri was pretty much a repeat of last year. It started looking dark on our way out to the park, so we went straight to Tyler’s and enjoyed a couple of beers during the rain delay.
Beers at Tylers
(Notice Henry’s got his baseball t-shirt/Jonah outfit on.)

When we got to the pallpark it was terrific weather and we enjoyed the view from our seats on the third baseline. Henry did really good. He hung out in the Bjorn for several innings until Dave took him home.
Watching the game

I think mom really enjoyed herself, too.
Jeni, Mom and Henry

The best part of the night was when I caught a foul ball! I took Henry over behind the picnic area for a little break from the Bjorn and as we were sitting there playing, a foul ball bounced right into my lap!! It was so awesome. Three months old and he has his first baseball!
Henry with his baseball

Shortly after Dave left to take Henry home, it started to rain again. We all hid out in the tunnels for about 30 minutes until the rain passed. The game resumed for another quick inning, and then the rain returned. They finally called the game and we headed home.
Covering the field

Oh, and we saw these two funny haircuts:

Rooster comb

The following weekend, Kerri moved to Chicago. So sad am I. However, in good news, she just landed herself a job and is now looking for a place to live closer in to Chicago. Know anyone in the area who needs a roommate?

December 9, 2007

Friday Night Out

Filed under: Entertainment,Kerri,Movies — JeniQ @ 10:05 am

Dave and I decided at the last minute on Friday to go see The Golden Compass. What a good movie – fun, entertaining, creative, scary, sweet, etc. And pretty violent, so think twice before taking the kiddies to see it. There seems to be a lot of controversy surrounding this movie. Being pretty open to new ideas and not being particularly religious, I don’t get it. So I have no opinion to add. Instead I’ll share with you Thomas’s thoughts on the matter – he seems pretty sensible.

Afterwards, we hit the Lynnwood Grill for beers. Can you believe there was a wait? But we didn’t have to wait because Mom and Gene were already there, so we sat down with them! They stayed until they finished their beers, then headed home.


I love hanging out with Kerri and Dave! They’re both such funny people, and they seem to fuel each other’s funny. I don’t ever laugh as hard as when I’m out with these two.


Before we left, the live music started. Here’s my favorite composition of the night.

Adam Pitts & The Condiments

Adam Pitts & The Condiments

November 6, 2007

Remember, Remember the Fifth of November

Filed under: Kerri,Movies — JeniQ @ 8:56 am

Yay!! Thanks to Kerri for accompanying me to the annual V for Vendetta showing at the Colony.

Now Showing: V for Vendetta

V Sign with Mask

And then I saw this. Imagine my delight!

So of course, I got a picture!
Jeni With V

There were three people in full costume and a few people just in masks. How come I didn’t know this was an annual event?!?!? Hello! Next year, same place, same time!

After the show, there was a short presentation by a few political activists: Ron Paul supporters, “9/11 is an inside job” folks, and some people who want to impeach the president. It was a cute tie-in to the movie, though I’m sure “cute” was not what they were going for.

October 28, 2007

Rocky Horror Picture Show

Filed under: Cristin,David Bowie,Kerri,Movies — JeniQ @ 11:10 am

Science Fiction Double Feature!!

Had a great time at the Rocky Horror with Cristin and Kerri. Lots of crazy insane people out, especially because it was the Friday prior to Halloween. You can see the pictures at Cristin’s photo stream (start here) but here is my favorite.

These two had terrific Hot Fuzz costumes – they nearly won the Costume Contest. I was trying to get them to look like they’d arrested me but they actually seemed uncomfortable with that.
HotFuzz Costumes

And here’s us girls!! Damn we’re cute!
RHPS Girls

There are more great pictures so follow the link above to see all of the action shots from the film, not to mention the boy who looks like David Bowie at 15!!

October 27, 2007

Fun Friday!

Filed under: Cristin,David Bowie,Kerri,Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 2:31 pm

What a fun Friday night I had! Cristin came over after work and we decided it was good enough weather to attempt to recreate the back cover of Ziggy Stardust. It took us over an hour to get ready and we were so dolled up by the time we left the house! We headed up to Brier Creek for the photo shoot as we needed one of those red British telephone boxes. Imagine our dismay when we discovered that the damn doors don’t open! What? Why?!?!? I was so annoyed I was laughing.

Regardless, we looked hot. So we went to Champa for sushi dinner. Yum.

Lady Stardust Cristin

Lady Stardust Jeni

After dinner, we met up with Kerri and went to see The Rocky Horror Picture Show. More on that to come!

July 29, 2007

Harry Potter – 3 Stories Tall!

Filed under: Cristin,Ele,Friends,Harry Potter,Kerri,Movies — JeniQ @ 9:34 pm

Kelli, Cristin, Ele, Will, Kerri and I went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix at the Imax. It was fun, with some 3D scenes, but the person who brought their screaming baby should have their Achilles tendon cut. With a grapefruit spoon.

Harry Potter at the IMAX

June 14, 2007

Wednesday Night Beers

Filed under: Alcohol,Kerri,Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 3:11 am
I skipped yoga tonight and met up with Kerri for dinner, back at Rudino’s Rooftop. Yum.

June 11, 2007

Funny Story

Filed under: Alcohol,Kerri,Small World,While Driving — JeniQ @ 10:04 am

Here’s one from the Small World department. Last night Kerri called me up to go grab a beer and some dinner. We debated our choices. Lynnwood was out because they were rude to Ker. O’Malley’s was out because it’s just too smoky. Dos Taquitos was closed. And Ben’s Place was out because 1) Kerri went there on Saturday and 2) there is a total tool of a waiter who works there. He is so annoying that I decided we should just avoid the place. We ended up going to Rudino’s Rooftop.

We walked out onto the patio and it was quite crowded. As we milled, looking for a seat, two guys sitting at a large table offered us a seat at the table. There weren’t a lot of options so we sat down…with the waiter from Ben’s Place. Ha! Luckily, he left after another beer. Obnoxious and drunk, what a lovely combination.

Towards the end of the night, we ended up talking with this 7 foot tall guy. His nickname is, not surprisingly, Lurch. I can’t believe I didn’t have my camera. His license plate is a Hurricane’s vanity plate, so it has the little Hurricanes symbol on the left. On the right, it says 1LUR and the two small characters that designate the tag type are CH. Ha! How clever. If you don’t quite get it, you will the next time you see a Carolina Hurricanes vanity plate.

May 28, 2007

Flying Saucer, again

Filed under: Alcohol,Family,Kerri,Restaurants,Visitors — JeniQ @ 1:18 am

After the flea market, we had to hit the Flying Saucer. We met Kerri there and had beers, beers, beers, and some lunch.

Aren’t Kerri and I cute?!!?!?
And then there was our waitress (in the picture below, on the left). While we were there, her dad and what appeared to be her grandparents showed up to sit in her section and have a quick beer (not pictured). After they left, she had a really funny conversation with us about how mortified she is that her family comes to visit her at work. She said that she knew they were coming, so she wore her “least slutty” outfit, the longest skirt she owned. There were many funny, funny parts to this conversation, but the funniest for me was when Dave said to her, “So, how does your dad feel about …” and she responded “My outfit?” I think he was going to ask her about her job, but she got right to the point and nailed the question all of us were wondering about. It was the high point of our Saucer visit – we laughed mightily.

She also hit up her dad for her semester’s tuition of $400 because she did well in school the previous semester. As he left, her dad was waffling about whether and how he would pay her.
She’s cute, and sweet, and putting herself through college, so if this is your Flying Saucer waitress, tip her well!!

More E&A Updates – Flea Market

Filed under: Family,Flea Market,Kerri — JeniQ @ 12:40 am

Saturday we spent a few hours at the Flea Market. Everybody got something they were really happy with. Dave got a bottle of some old 7-Up soft drink branded for the Cleveland Browns. He was delighted!

I got a waist apron for $10. I’ve been wanting a very traditional waist apron and I think this is perfect. I purchased it from a woman at the flea market that I used to patronize frequently. She’s really sweet and I like shopping from her. Check out the print – it’s a Floridian print with ships off the coast in the distance, pumas, tropical trees and oranges. I really love it.
Apparently, Claudia McGraw is from Black Mountain, North Carolina and had a storied history of making aprons for Eleanor Roosevelt. I don’t have any corroborating evidence of this, so if you have more free time than me, you can let us know if you can find any. 🙂
AND I found this amazing mixer from the 70s. It’s a J.C. Penney’s wall-mount mixer in brilliant orange. It opens to reveal the removable cord and beaters. Isn’t it beautiful?! It works, too. I checked.

Amber and Eric found a really pretty vase for cheap, and Kerri found the perfect necklace she’d been looking for. Yay!!!

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