I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

December 25, 2011

Granma Q and the boys

Filed under: Granma,Henry,Linus — JeniQ @ 8:25 pm

Granma Q and Henry

Granma Q and Linus

Pictures from our recent trip to Virginia Beach to celebrate Christmas with Granma. We love you and miss you already!!

June 20, 2010

Granma Jo’s Birthday

Filed under: Birthday,Granma — admin @ 9:06 am

We recently celebrated Granma Jo’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Granma Jo!

January 17, 2010


Filed under: Gifties,Granma — admin @ 3:26 pm

I decided to try “Gangee” for Granma Q because Henry has three Granma’s and it’s what we called her when we were kids. (Does this sound familiar to you fans of Arrested Development?) It went over so-so. It was hard for Dave to remember so he called her Granma, which got confusing with Granma Jo. Anyway, we’ll keep trying.

Now let me brag about this gorgeous necklace that Granma got me. It’s made by a local Etsy artist, Polestar. Ain’t it gorgeous?

December 20, 2009

Virginia Beach Christmas

Filed under: Granma,Holidays,Travel,Vacation — admin @ 8:11 pm

Photos of our Christmas trip to Virginia Beach. Dave, Mom, Henry and I came up to visit Granma for the Christmas holiday.

August 29, 2009

Granma Q Visits Henry and has a Birthday

Filed under: Birthday,Granma,Henry,Visitors — admin @ 12:45 pm

We were so lucky to have my grandmother (Henry’s great-grandmother) in town for her 84th birthday!! She got to spend lots of quality time with Henry. We even went to the pool one afternoon, it was so relaxing.

Friday was my work-at-home day, so Granma went with Uncle Denny (her brother-in-law) and Aunt Betty out to lunch at her favorite Raleigh restaurant, Kanki. Saturday we got up early and hit the North Raleigh Farmer’s Market with the neighbors. It was pretty hot out so we didn’t stay long.
North Hills Farmers Mkt

Then we headed to The Roast Grill, which we had seen featured on a recent episode of Man vs. Food. I knew that Granma loves hot dogs, so I thought we’d check it out. I was in for a surprise when I discovered how incredibly small a place it is. We got our order to go and had yummy hot dogs at home.
The Roast Grill

Granma spent time with Henry, helping feed him and playing with him in his playroom. She did a real good job of keeping him entertained!
Feeding Henry Breakfast

Lounging at the pool

For her birthday on Sunday, my mom joined us for a big dinner in Granma’s honor. My mom brought over balloons, which were a great hit with Henry. She wore herself out playing with Henry and the balloons.
LOVES baloons

Dinner was sweet potatoes, grilled T-bones and wilted lettuce salad – YUM!
Birthday Dinner

After dinner, Granma got to blow out the candles and enjoy the fabulous cake Dave made, an angel food cake spiked with pineapple and coconut-rum frosting.
Birthday Cake

Then she opened presents, including the candy she got from Jonathan and Dawn (which was also yummy!).
See's Candies Gift

Here’s Granma saying good-bye to Henry on his way to school on Monday.
Time for School

It was a great trip and it was so nice to have her here. I love her so much and I’m so happy to be able to spend time with her.

May 31, 2009

Virginia Beach Visit

Filed under: Granma,Henry,Vacation — JeniQ @ 7:24 pm

Great-Granma & Henry

Some photos of our visit to Virginia Beach to see my Granma, Henry’s Great-Granma.

Museum play area

Scooting around

Chin tickles

Peace Offering

Granma Cooking

Dumpling Dinner

Three Generations

May 30, 2009

Granny Jo

Filed under: Granma,Henry — JeniQ @ 10:24 pm

Henry and his Granny Jo at dinner.

Henry’s been bringing this book around so you can read one or two pages to him. Then he’ll take it to someone else. He tries to sit on your lap and everything. Cute! The Hungry Caterpiller

Communicating with the neighbors in the window.
Neighbors in the window

August 3, 2008

Lunch with Granny Jo

Filed under: Family,Granma,Henry — JeniQ @ 9:08 pm

From our lunch date with Granny Jo last weekend.

Eats his granma’s napkin

Is preoccupied with napkin

Is there a napkin over there?

taking over the table

He loved hanging out with his granny. And I’d like to point out that we did not shave his head. He’s just went bald on that side of his head. What hair he does have growing back is blonde, so you can barely see it.

November 22, 2007

Stuffing (ourselves)

Filed under: Family,Granma,Meals & Food,Vacation,Visitors — JeniQ @ 9:52 pm

For the holiday, we’ve got Dave’s parents here and Granma as well. Yay for Mom and Gene, who drove up to Virginia Beach on Wednesday and brought Granma back!

Dad and I

Mom and I polish silver on Thursday morning

Granma and Mom indulge in some waffles for breakfast

It has been such a beautiful day out! The weather was perfect! We spent a few hours on the front porch enjoying the day.

The cats got to enjoy the lovely weather, as well, with a mega-dose of outdoor time on the front lawn, eating grass and chasing leaves in the wind.

Several hours later, we sat down to a lovely Thanksgiving day meal. We had turkey, stuffing, potatoes, green beans, cranberries and chopped salad.



After dinner, and then dessert, everyone collapsed in front of the TV.

What a great day!! Happy Turkey Day to everyone!!

October 3, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

Filed under: Birthday,Granma — JeniQ @ 11:55 am

Yay! Granma made me a yummy cake!
Birthday Cake 07-2

Birthday Cake 07-1

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