I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

February 12, 2008

Weekend Visitors

Filed under: Meals & Food,Visitors — JeniQ @ 12:50 pm

Before I start blogging about the shower(!!!) I thought I’d recap the rest of the weekend with our visitors.

First, we played with Ian some more.
Linz, Ian & Dave

And then we tried to go to the Mellow Mushroom but it was an hour wait and it was pretty cold outdoors, which was the only place to wait. Their bad fortune was good news for the folks at MoJoe’s across the street where we ended up. It’s a funny little place with an odd crowd, but they’ve got good burgers and tasty fried accompaniments. Yum!!

Ian was precious, of course. (It was a little cold on their heated porch.)
Linz & Ian @ MoJoes

Dave relaxing.
Dave @ MoJoes

Amy being a goof.
Amy @ MoJoes

Monica enjoys her Corona.
Monica @ MoJoes


  1. Food and friends are a wonderful combination!

    Comment by Cristin — February 12, 2008 @ 2:41 pm

  2. So very sad to have not been able to make it. Looks like fun was though!

    Misses & Kisses.

    Comment by Jonathan — February 12, 2008 @ 4:41 pm

  3. […] decorating items and fresh flowers, from Birmingham. Lindsay and Ian flew in from Dallas, and Ian helped soothe the soul of a few new mothers who came to the party while Lindsay made that awesome […]

    Pingback by Q-Factor · Shower Wrap-up — February 14, 2008 @ 11:18 pm

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