I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

December 24, 2007

Nursery Updates

Filed under: Babies,Decorating,Gifties — JeniQ @ 10:50 am

We got our first shower gift! How exciting! We asked for the Margo Pack N Play from Graco because it was well reviewed, affordable, and cute! It’s sage green with teal blue accents, and includes a bassinet as well as a changing station. We’re expecting this to be the baby’s temporary home between birth and whenever we put him in his crib.

I set it up all by myself and figured this would be the first in many experiences of “Insert Part A into Slot Z.” We’ve had it inspected by the cats and they seem to approve. I wonder just how much they’ll be in it once the baby arrives? They didn’t seem to want to stay there when we put them in it.
Playpen 1
Playpen 2

We also cleared out the room and tried to get a feel for how we’ll lay out the furnishings.

The shelves I painted will probably end up acting as a window seat to store books and toys.
Nursery Shelves

We got our crib set! It’s gorgeous and includes a bumper, skirt, quilt and crib sheet. And look at these cool plant stands Dave found that match the pattern so perfectly!
Crib set

we also got the crib mattress! When we bought the crib from ChildSpace, we got a credit towards the purchase of a mattress. We choose the highly rated Classica II foam mattress by Colgate. With our credit, we got a good deal on it.
Crib Mattress
Our crib will hopefully be in by February, but I’m still not getting my hopes up.

We got a changing table today for cheap off of Craig’s List.
Changing Table

It’s in really good condition but could use repainting, which means more fun for me. Interestingly enough, the people we bought it from are from Lakewood and Westlake (Ohio), which makes them practically neighbors to Dave’s family. In fact, the guy remembers Dave’s sister from grade school. Why is EVERYBODY from Cleveland?!

Last, but definitely not least, Tyra gave me her glider and ottoman as an early shower gift. It’s gorgeous and matches the room perfectly. I will have pictures to post soon.

All in all, things are coming along pretty well!


  1. I heart your kiddens:) Oooh and I love the window seat idea! It looks great! I love love love all the orange too. Yay for orange because I cannot wear it! Where did you get all the Pooh Bear items? Hunny Tree, heehee:)

    Comment by Cristin — December 24, 2007 @ 2:15 pm

  2. Vintage stuff from my childhood. 🙂

    Comment by admin — December 24, 2007 @ 4:02 pm

  3. love it. love it. love it.

    Comment by ally — December 24, 2007 @ 11:14 pm

  4. The whole house looks GREAT! You’re giving me a big “re-do my house” itch that I can’t scratch—aahhh!

    Comment by Monica — December 27, 2007 @ 9:28 am

  5. […] but that’s OK. The baby won’t need it when he comes home as he’ll be in the pack and play at […]

    Pingback by Q-Factor · Nearly Complete — January 27, 2008 @ 11:28 pm

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