I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

July 29, 2007

“I’m comin’ to London!”

Filed under: David Bowie,England,Travel — JeniQ @ 12:55 pm

“You got a toothbrush? We’re going to London. Do you hear that, Doug? I’m coming to London!”  (NSFW)

Remember that soundbite from the Snatch sountrack? Well, it’s true!! I’m going to visit my BFF Alba, who is from Colombia but is visiting Cambridge for a summer research program.

We are going to be spending two nights in Cambridge and two in London.

The one thing I want to accomplish while I’m there, besides QFT with Alba? I was inspired by Cristin’s Bowie album cover recreation. Now, I don’t have the mad skillz she possesses, but I will be in London so I want to revisit the site of the Ziggy Stardust album cover.

The scene was photographed outside of a former Post Office, and is now the site of a restuarant called The Living Room. Alba has said we’ll make time to get over there, so I emailed the manager of the restaurant so I’d be mentally prepared for the changes we’d see.

I got a lovely response!

Hi Jennifer,
The building has changed quite alot since this album cover was shot, but you can still pick out the features of the building that are visible on the cover..where Bowie is standing is the far Rt hand side of our building at the savill row end, both the two doors in shot the one he is outside and the one to his front right are still existing, they are fire exits for the restaurant and the offices above so the doors themselves have been upgraded slightly but the patress and physical brick work exists, the “KWEST” sign has unfortuantley long gone as has the light above his head, we hoped they both would still be here ourselves but as the building had stood derilict for many years they seem to have….dissapeared!
I hope this is of some use to you, please feel free to drop in if you are in central london, we are situated just a stone throw from regent street at the piccadilly end so even if there is not that much for you to see in relation to the album cover then there is always some good shopping or other sights to visit. Kind regards,



  1. I cannot WAIT to see it!! It’s going to look so so good! You have to do the back cover too:)

    Comment by Cristin — July 29, 2007 @ 1:00 pm

  2. […] while in England Alba and I visited the site where the photo for the cover of the Ziggy Stardust album was […]

    Pingback by Q-Factor · Ziggy Stardust — August 19, 2007 @ 10:09 pm

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